Cheryl Gnagey - Author, Speaker, Spiritual Coach

Cheryl Gnagey - Author, Speaker, Spiritual Coach

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Entering By the Clouds and Darkness

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January 3, 2016

"Clouds of thick darkness surround Him; righteousness and justice are the foundation of His throne."  (Psalm 97:2)

" . . . Faithful love and truth go before You.   (Psalm 89:14)

When I came to the throne of God, I came to Jesus, the God-man who would save me and correct the course of my life. But as I began to grow, and for all the days since I was saved, I have, by necessity, had to move beyond knowing what my God could do in my life to a place of coming to know God and His character.  It is on this particular journey that I have come to know, first-hand, the "clouds of thick darkness that surround Him."  As I have walked closer and closer to His throne, I have experienced both His righteousness and justice and discovered that these character traits are clouds and darkness to my soul.  I do not mean that they are bad or depressing, as clouds and darkness can be.  I mean that they are traits that I have had to wrestle with.

Righteousness points to His holiness, and justice to His right to judge my unholiness.  My God is both loving and just.  He is a Father to me, not a doting grandparent!  I loved my children when they were growing up with a guiding, yet disciplining hand;  I love my grandchildren with giddy love.  Yes, I know there will be times when Jeremiah and Juliana are in my care, and I will have to discipline them in some way, but it will be different from how their parents discipline them.  God is my righteous standard, and He will judge my every work and action....Just like a Father!  He must! Righteousness and justice are the basis of who He is.  These are the very foundation of His throne, the entire, worldwide realm of his kingship.  They are the very platform that the majesty of God is built upon.

From the platform of righteousness and justice go forth the other two attributes of God that round out His character:  faithful love and truth.  All other character traits flow from these four.  And no matter how you live your life in Christ, these four traits of God are clouds and darkness to the soul who is drawing closer to Him.  This "darkness" surrounding the "Light" is what separates God from man, though He dwells within us.  It is the "clouds" of God that further draw us in as learn to know who our God is.  And they point us to a God who is our final judge and jury, as can be seen in Isaiah 60:2 and Joel 2:1-2.

God must teach me, by His character, who He is.  And who He is surrounded by clouds and darkness.  How can I continue to approach Him with a flippant or overly familiar attitude, making Him so commonplace?

Oh Lord, how guilty I have been in being more cavalier in my approach to You, as I come boldly to Your throne, when what You desire is humility!  I have focused more on Your love for me than on Your utter majesty.  You are so much more that "Jesus, the friend of sinners".  You are the Holy and Righteous, Just and Merciful God!  Holy Spirit, lead me into greater and greater understanding of WHO the Godhead is!

Let me not run away from Your thick darkness and clouds, but instead to enter through them in humility.

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