Cheryl Gnagey - Author, Speaker, Spiritual Coach

Cheryl Gnagey - Author, Speaker, Spiritual Coach

Friday, December 7, 2012

Jesus, Light of the World

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(Excerpt from Cheryl Gnagey's Advent Devotional, "Jesus, Light of the World," for preparing to light the second Advent Candle, the Bethlehem candle.)

Luke 2: 21-32
"As if this whole event had not been difficult enough for Mary and Joseph, on the eighth day after the birth of God's Son, they knew they must fulfill the commandment of the Law of God.  It was not merely a custom and tradition that they were seeking to fulfill, but a requirement.  On the back of a donkey, cradling her eight-day old newborn in her arms, and with Joseph carefully and cautiously leading the trek, they made a trip to God's temple in Jerusalem to officially name their baby boy, to have Him circumcised, to present Him to the Lord as their first-born Son, and to offer a sacrifice of two turtledoves or young pigeons.  They were obedient to God in every single detail of the Law, and God was pleased!  Mary and Joseph were acting upon their faith in God and upon the Law He had given them to follow, His first Covenant.

Yet, Jesus was born to usher in a new Covenant.  His body and His blood would be required of Him.  By His death on a cross, Jesus would become for us the 'once and for all' sacrifice that God would need in order to offer to all men the opportunity of salvation and new life in Him.  By this, the entire Old Covenant would be fulfilled in Christ Jesus.  Jesus' birth would begin the earthly events that would accomplish God's greatest purpose for all mankind.

Looking now to the details of today's Scripture, we are introduced to a man named Simeon.  Now, this man was an extremely devout Jewish man.  In all that he did, he was considered righteous by God, even before the atoning sacrifice of Christ.  In his latter years, Simeon had been impressed by the Spirit of God to look for the 'consolation of Israel.'  You might be asking yourself, 'Just what exactly was he looking for?'  Simeon was looking for the Savior, the One who would set his people, Israel, free.  The Spirit had already told him that he would not see death until he had seen this 'Consolation' with his own elderly eyes.

On the same day that Mary and Joseph were required to be at the temple, performing every commandment of the Law, Simeon was prompted by the Spirit to also go to the temple.  Supernaturally, Simeon knew in an instant that the infant that was brought in was the One for which he had been looking.  In a moment of pure ecstasy and joy Simeon swept this newborn Baby up into his arms.  How tightly he must have hugged Him to his breast!  And we can surely imagine him murmuring these soft and loving words as he held the Him close, 'At last, at last!  You, my Savior, are finally here!  How long I have waited for this day, when God would fulfill all He had spoken to my heart!'

Blessings to God flowed from the old man's mouth, glorifying his God of the Law and his God of Consolation.  Surely tears spilled from his eyes and onto the precious head of Jesus.  Whispering again, and with great peace in his heart, Simeon spoke to God, saying, 'Lord, You can let me die now, for with my own eyes I have seen Your Salvation. Now I can go in peace according to all that you have spoken to me.  Thank you, oh thank you, for Your faithfulness to your humble servant.'  Then Simeon declared something quite incredible,

'. . . my eyes have seen Your salvation that You have prepared in the presence of all peoples, a Light for revelation to the Gentiles, and for glory to Your people Israel.'

Before Jesus Himself proclaimed that He was the Light of the world (John 8:12), Simeon's spirit bore witness of that fact.  The Light of Jesus was for the whole world.  His Light would be for God's people, Israel, His glorious Light being further revealed to them in even greater measure.  But His Light would also be available to the Gentiles, every other human being on earth.  Jesus' arrival in Bethlehem was the first time that God revealed Himself to those outside of the Jewish race!

Take time today to thank God for loving us and for sending Jesus to light our souls, displacing what was once our spiritual darkness.  If you can declare to the world, even as Simeon did, that you have 'seen the Light,' then your appropriate response today is to thank Him for the personal revelation you have received by the Spirit!  As you get up from the position of thankfulness and praise, open yourself to the Light today, and walk in His illumination and favor.  And let His Light flow out of you, that it may begin to be revealed to others who still walk in their own spiritual darkness."

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