Cheryl Gnagey - Author, Speaker, Spiritual Coach

Cheryl Gnagey - Author, Speaker, Spiritual Coach

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Jesus, Light of the World (12-1-12)

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Isaiah 60: 19-20

"God has done an incredible thing by introducing us to the Light!  We will never be able to fully comprehend His great love for us, nor how that love and that Light are everlasting.  EVERLASTING!  Our finite minds simply cannot begin to understand the concept of forever.  If we have a hard time falling asleep and staying asleep one night, we tend to say that the night lasted 'forever'.  We typically say that about anything that is, for the moment, unpleasant.  Our concept of 'forever' is, at least in part, limited to the negative.

Yet we see today in the Scripture reading that Jesus has been given to us as an everlasting Light.  There is nothing negative at all that can be attached to that!  For every single circumstance that God allows into our lives, for every decision we must make, for every question to which we need an answer, for every problem we have, Jesus is our Light.  He illumines our pathway if our eyes are intending to see His light.  And He will light the way for us forever!

When we take that thought to its most basic level, we can come to no other conclusion but this:  Jesus is the ONLY light we will ever need, both now and forever!  We know that this is true, so why do we seek so many other means of 'light' when life becomes complicated and difficult?  Why do we rely on our own wisdom when pressing decisions must be made?  When we need answers to our questions, why do we hesitate to pray and seek the Word?  By looking to ourselves, or anything other than God, we are telling Him, 'I know You are all-powerful, all-knowing, and ever-present, but I just don't trust You with this particular issue.'  Whether we like it or not, this is unbelief.  The fact that we so often rely on everything but God might be the very reason verse 20b in today's reading references 'your days of mourning'.

We walk out of the light of Jesus and back into darkness when we blow out His Light that is at work within us.  We snuff out His Light by taking matters into our own hands, trusting our lives, our decisions, and the answers to our our own understanding.  When we do this, our peace is disturbed, and it begins to erode very quickly.  The light in our life diminishes and becomes dark and fearful as 'the sun goes down' in those moments of self-reliance and self-sufficiency.

Are you beginning to see why it is so critical that the Light of our life also be the LORD of our life?  God will continue to work throughout our lives for the purpose of bringing us to a place where He is the LORD of everything, and who can and will continually and forever light the pathway for our journey.  Every time we choose to walk in the light of our own making, instead of the the Light of His Son, His light dims and our world darkens.

God is working to bring us to the place of recognizing that we have no need for any other light but His!  Eternal light is not merely reserved for Heaven where there will be no more day or night, no need for sun or moon, because it will be illuminated by the Son.  Eternal Light is also for the here and now, as well.

The prophets of old foretold the coming Light of Messiah, and His Light resides inside of us in ways they could have never understood.  How many more days shall we walk in the light of our own self rule, which is no light at all?  Jesus is the Light of the world!  Having believed in Him, shall we now continue to intentionally snuff the Light out?

Where, in your life, are you currently experiencing darkness?  Surrender the self-will, the self-reliance, or the self-sufficiency as is personally necessary.  Ask the Light to return to that area (or those areas) where you have allowed darkness to take over.  Then keep in mind these words:  "Arise!  Shine!  For your Light has come!  And the glory of the Lord has risen upon you!"  (Isaiah 60:1)  You will experience the darkness becoming as the noon!

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