Cheryl Gnagey - Author, Speaker, Spiritual Coach

Cheryl Gnagey - Author, Speaker, Spiritual Coach

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Jesus, Light of the World (12-6-12)

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(Excerpt from Cheryl Gnagey's Advent Devotional, "Jesus, Light of the World" in preparation for lighting the Bethlehem candle) 

Luke 2: 8-14
"In the continuation of the Christmas story as found in Luke 2 we see another picture of God bringing light into the midst darkness.  On a hillside somewhere outside of Bethlehem, with only the campfires of the shepherds lighting the night sky, a most unusual event occurred on the night that Jesus was born.  While the shepherds were watching their flocks of sheep, looking for predators that might break into the fold, the entire area was suddenly lit up by an angel of God who was standing in their very midst.  It was nothing other than the glory of God Himself that shone around them.  The angel was not sent to kings or governors, nor was he sent to anyone else of high class.  The angel was sent straight to the hillside where some lowly shepherds were performing their menial tasks.  The glory of God came not only to light the physical darkness; it cam to light the darkness of a particular class of people.  The light came to the ordinary.  I came to the least likely to be favored.  It came to men like you and me.

Just like us, the shepherds' collective response to this angel of light was one of ear, and not just any fear, but a 'shaking in your boots' kind of fear!  Can you imagine the scene? They were greatly startled by this highly unusual occurrence.  They had never seen an angel before,  and they certainly would not have been expecting such a thing.  Their fear, like our fears, would likely have created an even greater sense of darkness around them as they contemplated both this heavenly being and felt the conviction of their own unworthiness and sinfulness.

Immediately the angel addressed their fears and spoke directly of the purpose of his visitation.  'Do not be afraid; for behold, I bring you good news of great joy which shall be for all people.'  It is possible that God sent this angel to a class of people who were not esteemed, for the message to be completely clear.  The good news is for everyone, no matter what family you were born into, no matter how much money you have, no matter what your social standing.  Because this message was for all, we have no reason to remain in any 'status-induced' darkness.  If God would send this news to shepherds, by-passing completely the rich and famous, it is surely for all of as well.  And where were these poor shepherds told that they could find Jesus?  Ina a palace?  No!  He would be found by  them in  the obscure village in a dirty stable, lying in an animals feeding trough!  The would surely be able to relate to such a Savior, their Savior, Christ the Lord, who had come to earth like them, as a baby.

When the shepherds thought that they had surely witnessed the brightest light their eyes had ever seen, more angels from God arrived before them.  This army of angelic beings glorified God and brought to the lowly and frightened shepherds a message of peace.  If you want to experience the peace that the angels spoke of, you must find time in your busy holiday schedule to listen to the message that God  is speaking to you today.  Spending time in the Word, reading and meditating on it, and praying, will please God and bring peace to your harried hearts and souls.  Don't leave Christ out of your Christmas activities.  He has come to you; now it it your turn to come to Him!"

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