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As 2012 is drawing quickly to a close, my flesh wants
desperately to do what it has done for countless years. It desires to
make plans and promises regarding how I will live in the coming new
year. For as long as I have been old enough to understand what a
resolution is, I have made them. Some were utterly ridiculous, while
others have been truly important and desired out of my love for God.
But the truth of my resolutions has been just that: they were MY
resolutions. You see, I have always been a planning, goal-setting and
goal-achieving sort of girl. But if this past year has taught me one
thing it would be that all my plans and goals and resolutions will come
to nothing if they are not in line with God's plans for me. This has
been the principle that God has been driving home (sometimes painfully)
in my heart in 2012. This has been the year that He took all of the
comfort of my plans and goals and turned them upside down. And I know
He has only had one purpose in mind: to help me see clearly my
self-sufficiency that keeps me from greater intimacy with Him.
As I turn my gaze from looking back at 2012, I see the coming year
with eyes that cannot detect exactly what lies ahead. I know I am not
alone in this for none of us knows what our future holds. But I am
excited this year at my inability to "have a plan," because it is
forcing me to live in greater trust and dependence on the only One who
knows the plans He has for me. He is asking me, "Will you surrender ALL
to Me?" I know my heart desires that, but will I be faithful to do it?
So instead of making well-meaning resolutions and promises this New
Year to do this or not do that, I only seek to sit more at the feet of
Jesus, simply listening to Him as He tells me all the plans He has for
me, day to day, and even moment to moment. It is in this simple act of
surrender that I will truly find joy and peace and rest in 2013. This
is the "better part" that Mary discovered. What a weight has been
lifted off of my shoulders as I place the government of my life upon the
shoulders of the One who was sent to carry it.
May you find this same joy and peace and rest in 2013!
With love and gratitude for you all!
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