Cheryl Gnagey - Author, Speaker, Spiritual Coach

Cheryl Gnagey - Author, Speaker, Spiritual Coach

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Jesus, Light of the World (12-9-12)

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(Excerpt from Cheryl Gnagey's Advent Devotional, "Jesus, Light of the World," for preparing to light the third  Advent Candle, the Good News candle.)

2 Samuel 22: 28-29
“As we prepare this week for the lighting of the third Advent Candle, we will focus on its meaning.  It is called the Good News candle, and it is the only one that is pink, reminding us of the awful price Christ paid for our sins.  Its color symbolizes the blood that He shed, not only for us, but in place of us.  It points us to the good news of salvation that can is found in Christ alone, for He is the only way.   He is our Light and salvation (Psalm 27: 1).  We begin today by looking at two verses that tie our affliction (darkness) to the Light of Jesus for the very purpose of salvation, the good news for us all.

Last week we studied in depth how the Light comes into our darkness in many specific ways.  We saw our own spiritual affliction as darkness.  We have come to understand how the light of Jesus affects the darkness of our souls, pushing it out of us and away from us.  Jesus Himself is our lamp, and He illuminates the darkness that can be found in the depths and crevasses of our hearts.

Consider now the darkness of a room on an evening in mid-winter, when an ice storm has downed nearby power lines and left you without electricity.  You move quickly to find a flashlight or some candles and a lighter or matches, don’t you?  You do this because it is difficult to function in the dark.  But what happens as soon as the ‘lamp’ is lit?  It illuminates the darkness, and while the bit of light may not make everything quite clear, what you can see is certainly better lit than what you could see in the dark.  Even the smallest candle with a tiny flicker can help you to see where your furniture is so that you don’t trip and fall over it!

Jesus is your lamp.  He is the very light that illuminates your darkened heart.  Your darkness and sin are what afflict you.  They are what keep you from an intimate and deeply personal relationship with the Light.  God would never be satisfied with His children remaining in the darkness of their own sin and flesh.  So He had to meet that need.  Simply stated, He sent Jesus, the Light of the world.  But Jesus was not sent merely to show you that you have things in your life that He considers darkness; He came to save you from what those very sins and what the enemy uses to afflict you.  What better ‘good news’ could there ever be?  The God who loved us in the midst of our darkness always had a plan to save us from that very darkness!

Jesus left the light of Heaven to enter into our world and become your light.  He came so that you might believe that He is the Light and the only One who could save you from your darkness and sin.  He came for you!  He is the only light that you need!  Have you allowed Him to continue to shine His light into the dark corners of your heart?  Ask Him to search you and show you today’s darkness.  Confess to Him what His light reveals to you.  Then rejoice in His light!  Staying in His light will keep you from stumbling over the sin in your life!”

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