Cheryl Gnagey - Author, Speaker, Spiritual Coach

Cheryl Gnagey - Author, Speaker, Spiritual Coach

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Jesus, Light of the World (12-2-2012)

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Isaiah 9: 6-7

"Today, in the Word, we see that Jesus is to be our burden bearer.  All too often we are walking under the heavy burden that is called 'self rule.We wrongly operate under the impression that we are to rule our lives.  But Jesus is the King and the Governor, or at least He is supposed to be.  We tend to wear heavy yokes as we try to walk out holiness, and we all too frequently collapse under the weight of it.  You see, the 'government' of our entire lives, yes EVERYTHING, is a yoke that is not fitted for our shoulders, but for the shoulders of Christ.  It is a yoke perfectly designed for Christ.

And the government (the rule of my life and yours) shall be upon His shoulders (not mine or yours) . . .

In order for us to experience an increase in peace, we must first lay our heavy and burdensome yokes down, in humble submission to His rule and authority in our lives.  With Jesus, there is no end to the governments (yokes) that He can wear and bear, for on Him is the government of every believer who chooses to take his yoke off.  Jesus is the only one who has no problem carrying the rule our lives.

When we give up the authority and 'right' to run our own lives, Jesus come and sets up His kingdom in us, and He becomes our King and Ruler.  Then He is responsible to uphold this new kingdom.  Righteousness becomes our way of life because of His rule in our lives.  And He will rule it forevermore.  For all eternity!  When Jesus bears our yoke, we need do nothing more than follow His lead.

When we come to this crossroads in our walk in His Light, we are blessed to experience the nature of Christ, the Light, in many new ways.  He becomes our Wonderful Counselor who gives us clear direction in our lives.  We see Him more often as the Mighty God, the One who can accomplish the impossible.  We know our God-family through Him as we sense the all-consuming love of our Everlasting Father, both now and with foreknowledge of the love we will enjoy in Heaven forever.  Can we continue another day, taking control of the life that was meant to be left in the hands of God?

Yes, Jesus is the Light, the Light of all men.  The prophets told us who He was and that He was coming.  Jesus, Himself, said that He was the Light of the world.  Who, then, are we to think we should be the god of our own lives, in light of who He is?  The question still remains:  Will we take a step deep with the One we call the Light?  If we do, we will find real peace this Christmastime.  But remember, peace is not a feeling inside us.  Peace is a Person, the Prince of Peace!  Seek Him, not it!"

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