John 8:12
For those of you who have been faithfully reading this daily blog for Christmas, please forgive my lack of a blog yesterday. I was celebrating my birthday! I hope you continued to let your light shine, anyway!
"It is the Light of Jesus that is the 'good news' of salvation. Jesus is the illuminator of all things for the sake of our souls. The saving and purification our souls is His goal, and His Light in us, by way to the Holy Spirit, is one way that He is able to accomplish this.
Today's verse is as follows:
I am the light of the world; he who follows Me shall not walk in the darkness, but shall have the light of life. (John 8:12)
The ultimate darkness will be the casting of a soul into utter darkness for lack of faith, while the ultimate light will be what we experience when we set foot in heaven, our eternal life home. How then can we ever be satisfied for anyone to enter into the utter darkness of hell, while we remain 'safe' but just too busy to show them the Light and the Way?
Do you see why God might choose 'light' as the metaphor for spiritual truths? Jesus, the very One who created light, designed it in such a way that the smallest amount of light in the midst of darkness will inevitably cause the darkness to cease to be dark. A barely flickering candle, on the darkest night, chases utter darkness away. Where there is the slightest amount of light, the dark loses its control. It must flee.
No matter where you are in your Christian journey, some amount of the Light of Jesus is an aura around you and what you do. As you grow closer to God through your special quiet times with Him, so the Light inside of you will begin to grow brighter. Proverbs 4:18 says this: 'But the path of righteousness is like the light of dawn, that shines brighter and brighter until the full day.' Isn't that a glorious truth? Our path of right living in Christ begins with the Son peeking out from the horizon of your life. But as we journey from our beginning forward, from east to west, His Light shines brighter and brighter in us and through us until we reach the fullness of the day. Our very brightest day is the one in which we set foot in our eternal home of heaven whee 'there shall no longer be any night; and they shall not have need of the light of a lamp nor the light of the sun, because the Lord God shall illumine them.' (Revelation 22:5)
How can we not share this wonderful Light with others? The shepherds did, Simeon did, Anna did, and so should we! The responsibility to share the good news of the Light that has come into the world rests squarely upon the shoulders of every believer.
Today, as we figuratively light the pink Good News candle, we must reflect on Christ's sacrifice. But we must also remember that His sacrifice, and what it accomplished for us, is the greatest news that we can ever share with another. Are you doing the very most you can to bring the light to others so that their dark paths may be illuminated? Is your faith even visible to them in their darkness? Or have you been hiding our precious Light from them? Are you lacking in the good works toward them that would help them see your Light? Have you been spending both quality and quantity of time with God in reading the Word and praying so that your testimony might bear the fruit of your relationship with Him? As the celebration of the birth of Christ approaches, consider what you might give up in order to be a more effective light in this ever darkening world. The Light of Jesus is the greatest gift you can share!"
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