Cheryl Gnagey - Author, Speaker, Spiritual Coach

Cheryl Gnagey - Author, Speaker, Spiritual Coach

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Taking Steps--Gen. 40

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Learning to trust Me in all things is My progressive work in you.  I am taking you to a place of balance, true balance, that can only be found in Me.  As with everything that pertains to Me, there are two sides of the same coin.  When it comes to the issue of trust, there are two sides of the positive coin, as well as two sides to the negative coin.

Let Me show you the negative coin first.  They are polar-opposite concepts.  On the one side is the fatalistic view.  It sounds something like this:  "I will just sit here and wait on God.  He's going to do what He is going to do, so it makes no difference if I do anything at all.  This is His deal."  Now for the other extreme, this side of the negative coin looks like this:  "Okay, so this what I am going to do.  It seems right to me, and I don't want to trouble God with this.  I can do this on my own.  Surely this is what God wants me to do, isn't it.  This is what God desires, right?"  Not necessarily.

You doing nothing or you doing everything reveals your lack of trust in Me.  When you operate in either of these scenarios, you are the one in control, not Me.  Neither of these is the pathway that I have ordained for you.  Let Me show you what I do want you to do.  The positive two-sided coin will make it clearer.

The first side of the coin is this:  You must know and trust My will for you.  My will is revealed through My Word and through My conversations with you.  Follow that with surrendering your will to Mine.  That shows Me that you trust Me.  When you fully trust Me, you are ready to turn the coin over. 

The other side of the positive coin is what I expect of you.  We have a relationship.  You entered that relationship through no work of your own.  I came to be your Savior, coming to earth for the sole purpose of dying as the perfect sacrifice for the sin of all mankind.  You only had to receive that to become Mine.  But now, in this relationship we both will be working to accomplish My will.  This side of the coin is the work you will do.  It is critical in this process for you to act upon your complete reliance on Me.  This is NOT the time to sit back and do nothing.

I have shared with you My particular plan for you in this season of your life.  You have trusted in Me and My will for you, but now it is time for your continued work toward accomplishing what I have called you to do.  Follow Joseph's example.  It was completely within My sovereign will for him to be imprisoned falsely.  But it was also in My will for him to be released, so that he could do even greater things for My kingdom and people.  He didn't just sit in jail waiting for Me to "break him out."  He took every opportunity presented to him to do the things that aligned with his understanding of My will, that he was to be free. 

After having interpreted the cup-bearer's dream in a favorable way, Joseph asked only one thing from him.  "Only keep me in mind when it goes well with you, and please do me a kindness by mentioning me to Pharaoh and get me out of this house."

Joseph took steps that were completely in line with My will for him.  You see, one might know and trust My will for them to be a runner, but they will only truly  be a runner when they lace on their  shoes, head out the door, and begin to put one foot in front of the other.

It takes both My will and your obedience to do what aligns with it for you to actually live within it.  Live in the peaceful balance of trusting Me and My will for you and acting obediently upon those things that align with the fulfillment of My will.  Choose the positive coin, both sides of it, by taking the necessary steps.  I am with you always, My precious one.

1 comment:

  1. WOW! Talk about something hitting you dead-center! God has really been speaking to my heart in the last few weeks about this very thing: trusting in Him and moving forward in that trust. That's what faith in action looks like. And He expects us to act. Otherwise it is just lip-service. If it is just lip-service, then there is no heart change. No heart change shows us (and Him) that we are not becoming more Christlike. We just continue to be our selfish, ineffective selves. No thank you. I want to be used by Him in ways that I could never even imagine! I'm ready for that crazy, wonderful ride! Aren't you?!
