Cheryl Gnagey - Author, Speaker, Spiritual Coach

Cheryl Gnagey - Author, Speaker, Spiritual Coach

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Jacob's Surrender

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This morning the Lord spoke these word to me.  Maybe they are words He wants you to hear and receive as well.  Blessings to you as you listen to His voice.

"My precious one, you are much like My servant, Jacob.  In the same way that I had to wrestle with him, I must wrestle with you.  You see, Jacob was a man who relied on his own resources rather than simply trusting Me.  Even when I set an army of angels in his camp, he still needed to do things his way.  As a result, he was marked by his fear and distress. 

You, too, tend to rely on your own thoughts, ways, and plans.  I am with you, My child; I am right beside you. Why is it that you come to Me in the morning for your spiritual meal, and then you gorge yourself on your flesh for the rest of the day, ignoring My Presence and My will?   When you go after your own way of doing things, you set Me aside and away from you.  I am your Help,  I am your Protection, and I am the Way!

How will you ever know Me as this if you do not surrender yourself fully to Me?  You are wrestling with Me even as Jacob did.  You are strong and you are unrelenting, but there must come a time in this battle when you are satisfied with just clinging to Me, a time when you are utterly surrendered to My power and My will.  That is when you will succeed in all that I have for you to do.  Jacob had to discover this the hard way.  I prefer that you take the easier course and simply submit yourself to My rule.  When I changed Jacob's name to Israel, he was changed on the inside.  Jacob the con man became Israel, the one whom I ruled. 

Let Me change you like I changed Jacob.  I desire for you to humbly surrender all that you perceive as your strengths, those characteristics and attitudes that you are using to move you along your spiritual journey, for they are not capable of accomplishing that in you.  They distract you from Me.   Your divided attention reveals that you trust yourself as much as you claim to trust Me.

I am calling you to wave the white flag.  Let Me lead you on My path, even hold you captive, for in this surrendered state you will find not only the greatest freedom that you have ever experienced, but also the greatest victories you have ever known.  Do you not know that until I conquer you, you will not be able to conquer those tasks that I have set before you?

Victory and power will ooze forth from you when you surrender to Me and to the idea that your proud self-will and self-reliance are stumbling blocks to the work I desire to do in  and through you.   Jacob realized this after he struggled and strained with Me.  He knew this kind of surrender, but not until I touched his hip and dislocated it.  For the rest of his days he would painfully remember that one encounter with Me.  I would prefer that you would surrender without the fight. 

Wave the flag, my precious one.  Surrender the battle, and let Me RULE your life."

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