Cheryl Gnagey - Author, Speaker, Spiritual Coach

Cheryl Gnagey - Author, Speaker, Spiritual Coach

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Run From Temptation--Genesis 39

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Eve was not prepared to run from the temptation that the enemy slyly sent her way.  Neither was Adam.  It is easy to say to yourself, "Yes, I know I gave in, but it is our nature to do so.  Just look at Adam and Eve.  I promise I will try harder the next time."   Yes, My precious one, they fell, and now that is the nature of all mankind.  But this is not My way.  It is Satan's way for you. He would MUCH prefer you think of Adam and Eve when he is attempting to pull you away from Me.  Let me show you a better example

Joseph is the one I want you to study.  I want you to keep him in the forefront of your mind, and push the example of the first man and woman far from your thought.  For I do not want you continuing in your sins because you have not been trained to think differently about the topic of resisting temptation.  I want you to see My way of handling temptation, and exactly how you can avoid falling prey to it.

Look at the story of Joseph from today.  Here is a young man who has been betrayed by his brothers, sold into slavery, and now lives in a land that is not his own.  I have blessed him in such a way as for him to find favor with a very prestigious man.  Joseph is raised up to a position he would never dreamed of.  It wasn't long before his master's wife took note of him, and desired him greatly.  Satan's temptation was not sly at all.  "Come lie with me," were the wicked words  that spewed forth out of the mouth of  this forbidden woman.  So many times she approached the handsome, young Joseph.  But he never gave in.  Over and over again he turned down her suggestive request.  And over and over again the words came, "Lie with me."

When you are reading the Word it often seems as if events take place quickly, one after another.  But this is not the case.  Joseph was 17 when he was sold into slavery.  Two years before Joseph became the governor (at age 30) he was sent to prison for his "supposed" sinful act with Potiphar's wife.  When he went to prison he was 28 years old. That means that  he spent approximately 11 years running from from a severe temptation! 

How did stay strong for 11 years?  My precious one, there is no answer other than the fact that when temptation came, Joseph refused to "bite", he kept himself away from where she was, and eventually he was in a position where he had to run

I have promised you that when you are tempted, I will supply a way out.  Follow Joseph's lead.  That is the way out of every temptation.

  • Refuse the temptation INSTANTLY, and over and over if necessary
  • Do not put yourself in a place where the temptation can easily occur
  • If necessary, leave everything and RUN FROM IT!

Oh how I want you to do more than understand the concept of running from temptation.  I want you  to apply what you know the very next time temptation comes your way.  Be on the lookout.  Evil is everywhere.  Be prepared by thinking about these 3 steps over and over again, so that when you are tempted, you will "see" the the way out I have provided.  It is through the door of refusal, the door of wisdom, and the door of quick escape.  You have the key to pass through all three doors, because you have Me.  I am the Door and I am the Way.

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