Cheryl Gnagey - Author, Speaker, Spiritual Coach

Cheryl Gnagey - Author, Speaker, Spiritual Coach

Monday, January 23, 2012

Bow Down Before Me--Gen. 37: 5-11

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Joseph's brothers had a problem.  While they certainly were jealous of Joseph and resented their father's partiality toward him, that was not their biggest problem.   No, their  biggest problem was revealed when Joseph began to tell them of the dreams that he was having.  Their issue was what rose up in them in ferocious indignation.  Their problem was their stubborn pride.

Did you catch the words that they used?  "Reign over us" and "rule over us."  Can you hear how they despised such a concept?  When Joseph tells his father the next dream, you can clearly see the same type of response in Joseph's father, Jacob, when he says this:  "Shall I and your mother and your brothers actually come to bow ourselves down before you to the ground?"  Such a concept was inconceivable to them; it was ridiculous.  They simply could not accept that there would be a day when they would do such a thing.

But before you think them unique, My precious one, I want you to consider something.  How willing are you to embrace the concept?  Though you might say to Me, "You are my Lord, and You are my Ruler," you have many places hidden in the deepest parts of your heart that reveal your same loathing of this idea of bowing down to another, and especially before Me. 

At the core of every human being is the desire to be self-ruled, wanting to reign over their own lives, bowing down to no one and nothing except their own desires.  Ultimately, this was at the core of My fallen angel, Lucifer.  It is the root of the original sin of Adam. And it is what allowed Eve to be so easily deceived.  Sin and death are the results of such pride.

But you now belong to Me, and you have received the free gift of grace that I offer to those who choose to believe and truly follow Me.  The price has been paid for the wickedness of pride.  So why do you still struggle with the idea of bowing down in total humility and dependence on Me? Why do you strive to rule over your own life? Don't you see that this is the spirit of the world?  It is not of My Spirit.

You must forsake your "self" sins (self-reliance, self-dependence, self-absorption, self-sufficiency, selfishness, self-satisfaction, self-indulgence, self-elevation), and then you will be completely free to bow at My feet, resting entirely in my Sufficiency, dependent and reliant on only Me. 

Seeing yourself bowed down, prostrate before Me, is not the same as bowing down to Me.  Neither is simply talking or writing about the importance of bowing down.  To bow in My Presence will require an action on your part.  I cannot do that for you.  It will come from true surrender to Me.

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