Day 32: Stephen, Full of Faith (Acts 6-7)
The ministry of the early church was increasing. The original disciples were dedicating themselves to prayer and the study and teaching of the Word. There arose a need for men to take food to some neglected widows, so the original disciples charged the other followers of Christ to choose seven dedicated men for this ministry task.
Stephen, being found to be full of faith, was chosen as part of this group of seven. A good reputation and being full of the Spirit and wisdom were the top requirements for this ministry. Now in Stephen’s case, the power of the Spirit was quite evident because he had been performing many great miracles and signs among the people he came in contact with. But as is often the case, jealous men began to rise up against Stephen and tell lies about him, saying that he had spoken blasphemies against Moses and God. So vicious were the lies that the men brought him and his case before the Council.
With power and great wisdom, and even greater diplomacy, Stephen stood before the Council and told them, in elaborate detail, the story of God and His people, Israel. He spoke clearly of Israel’s continued disobedience to God’s commands. Then he compared the Council and the accusers to their disobedient forefathers, reminding them how they themselves had not kept and obeyed the Word.
Incensed by Stephen’s accusations (that were true), these men cried out in anger. Covering their ears so that they would have to listen to no more, they chased Stephen out of the city, and then stoned him to death. The conviction of the Spirit in their thoughts and in their hearts was completely ignored by the men who would have rather silenced the truth instead of being transformed by it. On the other hand, Stephen was a transformed man, with Jesus’ resurrection in his soul, who was willing to put his life in jeopardy for the truth. He boldly spoke out what he knew would not be received, but was truth nonetheless.
Have you allowed your heart to be resurrected in truth? Are you more like the men who refused to listen to the truth about their hearts and true change? Can others see the Spirit’s power and wisdom at work in you?
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