Day 16: The Thankful Leper (Luke 17: 11-19)
Again we find Jesus in today’s passage on His way to Jerusalem, to the cross on which He would die to bring salvation to the world. His path led Him through the middle of Samaria on the north, and into Galilee. Upon entering a village along the way, a group of men stood off in the distance, hoping to meet Jesus. Seizing the opportunity at hand, the ten men went out to the One they had heard so much about. By this time, Jesus had healed many people. Word of these healings had surely reached their village.
“Jesus, Master, have mercy on us!” they cried out, desperate to be heard over the crowd that was surrounding Him. These ten men had been afflicted with the awful disease of leprosy, and they knew He had an authority like no one else they had ever seen.
Jesus’ attention turned to the lepers. “Go and show yourselves to the priests.” His answer was simple, yet it begged the next question. Why did they need to go and show their leprosy to the priests? It had been required of them when they first contracted it. Why show the priests now? Jesus mused, knowing their thoughts, and knowing as well that their healing was on the way! He had sent them to show the priests that their leprosy was healed. In just a moment it would be GONE!
Deciding that it was best to obey the Master’s words, the ten men took off to show the priests, even though it seemed to make no sense. On the way to the temple their “mercy” came. All ten of them were healed of their despised condition. What had made no sense before made perfect sense now. Their meeting with the priests would render them all clean. Nine continued on to the temple to fulfill the Jewish law, but one of them made a clear transition from the Law to the Grace of Jesus Christ.
As fast as his feet would carry him, he turned back to Jesus. Glorifying God loudly, he fell at the feet of Jesus and worshipped Him, giving Him thanks for the awesome miracle that had taken place in his life. On that day ten received cleansing, but only one received the greater healing—he was saved. His faith had made his HEART well. How’s your heart?
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