Day 20: The Woman at the Well (John 4: 1-30, 39)
Being a Samaritan woman, she knew very well “her place” among the Jews. She was of a rejected race. As a woman of that race, she was less than a dog to the Jews. So why was this Man, obviously Jewish, even speaking to her, let alone asking her to draw water from the well for Him to drink? Even if she obeyed His command, surely He wouldn’t drink out of her cup!
And what was this “living” water that He was speaking of? How could you drink it and not thirst again? Could it really cause you to live forever as well? Whatever this water was, she certainly wanted to have some of it! But would He give it to her, a Samaritan woman?
“Sir, give me some of this water that You are talking about,” she pleaded. She was prepared to drink the water He spoke of, but she could not have been prepared for His reply. “Go, call your husband and come,” He answered. She was thrilled that He was going to give her the water, until His words settled into her excited thoughts. Husband? I can’t go get my husband because I have no husband now. “I have no husband,” she answered Him.
Seeing her look of despair, He reassured her that He knew that she had no husband. In fact, He knew that the man who was living with her this very moment was not her husband.
Now she was completely humiliated. How did He know such things? Obviously He was some kind of a prophet. But the more He spoke with her, the more convinced she became that He was not merely a prophet; He was her Messiah, the long-awaited Christ. Her heart was transformed in that moment, and she dropped everything, ran into the city, and testified about the Man who had seen what she had desperately tried to keep hidden. Many believed in Christ because of her humbling testimony.
Jesus sees all that we do. When He reveals our sins to us, do we repent and turn from them? Do we allow our repentance to be our testimony to others, or does pride keep us from being transparent and humble?
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