Cheryl Gnagey - Author, Speaker, Spiritual Coach

Cheryl Gnagey - Author, Speaker, Spiritual Coach

Saturday, March 31, 2012


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Day 33:  Philip and Simon the Sorcerer (Acts 8: 1-24)

The death of his beloved friend, Stephen, clouded Philip’s thoughts.  How he mourned this dear man.  Philip had come to know Stephen as they took meals every day to the widows, taking care of their sisters who were alone.  “Stephen had such a pure heart.  How could they stone him?” Philip lamented in his troubled mind.  This one thing he was sure of—these evil men would never be able to stop the spread of the gospel.  Stephen’s death served only to make Philip and the other followers even more determined to carry out their individual calls to ministry.  The Voice of the Spirit even seemed to be speaking more loudly and clearly.

Hearing that Saul, one of the men who had been present at Stephen’s stoning, was now ravaging the church, Philip was compelled by God to leave and go to Samaria and preach the gospel of salvation.   Ministering in the Spirit and by His power, many Samaritans believed and were baptized.  One such man was Simon, a former magician who had made great claims about himself in the past.  He believed and was baptized when he realized that people were no longer amazed at his magic.  How he longed to do the powerful things that Philip was doing, so that the people would be amazed with him again.

When the disciples came from Jerusalem to see what was happening in Samaria, they laid hands on all the new converts, and they received the Holy Spirit.  When Simon saw this great sign, he came forward seeking what the disciples had.  But Simon’s heart was not right with God.  It was clearly focused on the wrong things.  He did not ask for the Holy Spirit to come to him because he needed the Holy Spirit and desired Him.  Instead, his heart was “Simon-centered.”  He offered to pay the disciples money if they would give him the gift that they had.  Simon was seeking the power of laying his hands on people so that they would receive the Holy Spirit.  He was not seeking the Spirit Himself.  Simon had believed the gospel message and had been baptized, but his heart had not been resurrected.   He was still in bondage to sin and pride.

Do you desire gifts you have not been given because they are more visible to others and seem more important?  Are you jealous of those who have what you want?  God knows every intention of every heart.  What does He see in yours?


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Day 32:  Stephen, Full of Faith (Acts 6-7)

The ministry of the early church was increasing.  The original disciples were dedicating themselves to prayer and the study and teaching of the Word.   There arose a need for men to take food to some neglected widows, so the original disciples charged the other followers of Christ to choose seven dedicated men for this ministry task.

Stephen, being found to be full of faith, was chosen as part of this group of seven.   A good reputation and being full of the Spirit and wisdom were the top requirements for this ministry.  Now in Stephen’s case, the power of the Spirit was quite evident because he had been performing many great miracles and signs among the people he came in contact with.  But as is often the case, jealous men began to rise up against Stephen and tell lies about him, saying that he had spoken blasphemies against Moses and God.  So vicious were the lies that the men brought him and his case before the Council.

With power and great wisdom, and even greater diplomacy, Stephen stood before the Council and told them, in elaborate detail, the story of God and His people, Israel.  He spoke clearly of Israel’s continued disobedience to God’s commands.  Then he compared the Council and the accusers to their disobedient forefathers, reminding them how they themselves had not kept and obeyed the Word.

Incensed by Stephen’s accusations (that were true), these men cried out in anger.  Covering their ears so that they would have to listen to no more, they chased Stephen out of the city, and then stoned him to death.  The conviction of the Spirit in their thoughts and in their hearts was completely ignored by the men who would have rather silenced the truth instead of being transformed by it.  On the other hand, Stephen was a transformed man, with Jesus’ resurrection in his soul, who was willing to put his life in jeopardy for the truth.  He boldly spoke out what he knew would not be received, but was truth nonetheless.

Have you allowed your heart to be resurrected in truth?  Are you more like the men who refused to listen to the truth about their hearts and true change?  Can others see the Spirit’s power and wisdom at work in you?

Friday, March 30, 2012


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Day 31:  Mary Magdalene (John 20: 1-18)

Mary’s heart was broken.  How would she ever remove that horrible picture of her Savior’s crucifixion from her mind?  Forever it would be her last memory of Him.  The sorrow she felt seemed to be squeezing the very life out of her.  How could it have come to this?

Not being able to sleep, she did what any true friend would do.  Gathering a few of the other women who had traveled with Jesus while He was ministering, they left before dawn to anoint His body with the spices that they had previously prepared. 

As they arrived at the tomb, Mary saw that it stood opened.  Fearing that her Lord’s body had been stolen or moved, Mary left the others to go and report to Peter and John.  The news brought to them a new despair, and the three ran quickly back to the tomb to see if they could determine what happened.

Arriving ahead of Mary, Peter and John each looked into the tomb.  What were their eyes seeing, they wondered?  Jesus was gone, and only His wrappings remained.  Strangely, the linen cloths He had been wrapped in were neatly folded.  Then, it struck them.   Jesus had raised from the dead!  Leaving Mary outside the tomb, they ran to tell the others.

Weeping and alone, Mary walked back to the entrance of the tomb and looked in.  Looking back, Mary was startled by a Man she didn’t recognize.  Confusion filled her mind as He spoke to her.  Once again, she turned to look at the tomb and the large stone not far away.  Would she ever be able to piece it all together?

“Mary!”  the Man called out.  Turning around, Mary finally recognized Him.  “Teacher!” she exclaimed.  Running to Him, she fell to the ground and kissed and hugged His nail-scarred feet.  Her Savior lived!  He had risen on the third day, just as He said!

What do you do when you feel hopeless?  Where do you look when things don’t make sense?  When your life has been turned upside down, to what do you cling?  Is Jesus your first answer to these questions?

Thursday, March 29, 2012


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Day  30:  Joseph of Arimathea (Matthew 27: 57-60)

Joseph couldn’t believe what he had just witnessed.  How could his fellow Jewish Councilmen have put Jesus to death on a Roman cross?  Why, oh why, hadn’t he been more courageous in his stand against their evil plot?  Sorrow filled his heart, the sorrow that comes from losing someone dear to you.  But another sorrow plagued him even more.  He hadn’t stood up for Jesus when the opportunity presented itself.

Looking at his Savior dying on the cross, Joseph remembered clearly the day he first believed in Jesus and how his heart had been transformed.  His riches and prominent position on the Jewish Council didn’t matter anymore.  His focus was now on Jesus and the good and righteous life he was now called to live out.  He truly had become a disciple of Jesus, and he was waiting for the kingdom of God.  But even then, fear had gripped his heart, and he kept his belief a secret from the Council.

Tormented by the truth of his life, Joseph screamed out in his heart, “Why have I let fear rule my life?”  Wanting to look one more time into the eyes of Jesus, Joseph left his thoughts for a moment, but only discovered that Jesus had breathed His last breath.  “Never again will it rule me!” he yelled to his Lord.

Gathering every bit of courage that he could muster, Joseph went before Pilate, asking for the body of his Lord.  He refused to think of all the possible consequences of his current action.  It was not the Council that was on his mind, but doing what was right and appropriate for Jesus.  When Pilate determined through a centurion that Jesus had indeed died, he agreed to let Joseph take His body.

Joseph from Arimathea and his friend Nicodemus, who brought the necessary burial spices,  tenderly removed Jesus from the cross,  and prepared His body, and carefully wrapped Him in linen.  Then Joseph placed Jesus’ lifeless body in his own tomb and sealed it.  Finally, he had taken a bold stand for what was right.  Finally he could claim that he was a true follower of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Joseph laid Jesus in his own tomb, where he should have been laid for his own sins.  What a great picture we have been given!  Jesus died for your sins.   Are you now living for Him by standing up for Him?  Are you a true follower?  Do you hide your faith behind your fear?

Wednesday, March 28, 2012


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Day 29:  James, The Brother of Jesus (Mark 3:20, 31)

It hadn’t been easy growing up with Jesus as my older brother.  Hearing over and over the story of His divine conception only added to my feelings of inferiority.  How could I ever measure up to a brother who was the Savior?  He always seemed to do what was right, and I always had to learn everything the hard way. 

Jealousy became a way of life for me.  It started when Jesus didn’t pick me to be one of His disciples—ME!  His brother!  This feeling led me to do strange things that seemed right at the time.  For instance, there was the time that my family and I tried to take Jesus into custody because we were all sure He had lost His senses.  When we came to the place where He was, and they told Him that His family had arrived, He said that His mother and brothers were those who would do His will.  I was insulted!  Then I tried to get my brother to “go public” at one of our Feasts, knowing how many Jews would be there.  I wanted to cash in on His popularity and power, but He saw right through me.  Again, I was rebuked, and He didn’t attend the feast, at least as far as I knew.

But something changed in my heart as I watched Him at the trial and crucifixion.  Suddenly I knew that what I’d been told from the beginning was all true.  When Jesus rose from the dead that blessed morning, there were no doubts that remained.  I knew for sure He was the Savior.

Now I understood that to be His brother, I had to do His will.  He was no longer by biological brother; He was my spiritual Brother, my Lord and Savior.

Do you remember all those lessons I said that I had to learn the hard way?  They became a part of the Spirit’s contribution to God’s Word through me.  In the Bible you read today you can learn how to do God’s will in the book that bears my name, the Book of James.

Does it insult you that Jesus still says that His family is those who do His will, not the ones who just believe in Him?  Beyond your salvation, how are you purposing daily to do His will?  Have you seen in James’ life a God who can use you no matter what your sins have been?

Tuesday, March 27, 2012


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Day 28:  Mary, the Mother of Jesus  (John 19: 23-27)

It was too gruesome.  Her mind could not comprehend the brutality that was being leveled against her son.  Her Son.  Memories carried her back some thirty years to the angel who came to her one day when she was just a teen.  Speaking to her he said, “Greetings, favored one!”  Favored one.  She still couldn’t quite grasp that she had been chosen to bring life to the Messiah, Israel’s long-awaited Savior.  But there He was.  Her eyes could not turn away from His battered and bloody body struggling for breath on a Roman cross.

Blessedly, another snapshot raced through her mind, taking her away for a moment, from reality.  It was of her son, teaching the Jewish leaders in the synagogue.  Such wisdom He had!  Such discernment of the things of God!  For a young man of twelve, it was remarkable.  Time and time again God had blessed her as she mothered her Child, and how pleasing it had been to her to watch Jesus become a Man whose only desire was to bring delight His Father and to be near Him.  That day at the synagogue had shown her that for sure.

Again, her mind traveled back to another day, in Cana of Galilee.  It was there that she witnessed His first miracle.  Taking jugs of water, He turned them into wine for wedding guests who would have been otherwise been deprived of their tradition.  She had always known there was great Power in Him, and she had grown impatient for Him to become who He was born to be.  She implored Him to use His Power in the wine situation.  But once again, He acted upon His Father’s desire, not hers.  She never saw Him miscalculate His Father’s timing or will.

The thought of God’s timing and will brought her instantly back to the moment.  Hesitantly, she looked back up to the cross before her; their eyes met, locked for what seemed like hours.  Writhing in agony, He spoke clearly to her.  From now on, John, whom Jesus had loved deeply, would look out for her well-being.  And she would be a mother to him.

Mary knew her life would never be the same.  Today, her son would die.  But Mary also knew that He would never be farther away from her than her prayers could reach.  She would never be alone.

In your hard places, do you recall the wonderful blessings of God from your past?  Do they help you to walk on, in spite of your circumstances?

Monday, March 26, 2012


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Day 27:  The Roman Centurion at the Cross (Mark 15:33-39)

A Roman centurion from early adulthood, he stood guarding the crosses of the three prisoners.  His commander surely trusted him, for the One who hung on the center cross had aroused emotions and grave suspicions of many.  He positioned himself squarely in front of this One whom he heard had claimed to be the Son of God.

All around him he heard the shouts and insults of the crowd.  “If you are the Son of God, come down and save yourself,” they cried, laughing at the accused.  Even the Jewish religious leaders condemned Him, yelling, “You saved others.  If you are the Son of God, come down from that cross and save yourself!” 

He was confused.  Just who was this Man who had been crucified?  How could He look out with such compassion at those who hurled insults at Him?  And why is it that when He looks my direction He seems to see right inside of me and know the very thoughts that I am thinking? 

Then the amazing and frightening began to happen.  From the moment He was nailed to the cross and lifted up, the day turned to night, and for three hours it remained dark.  The centurion could barely make out His face.  And then it seemed to be over.  The Man in the center cried out to someone, devastated for being so forsaken, and He gave up His spirit, and breathed His last.  Finally, this horrible scene could come to an end.

The centurion had not completed his thought when the ground began to shake violently and rocks were crushed.  A little later reports reached Golgotha that the veil in the Jewish temple had been torn from top to bottom.  Terror and fear filled this soldier’s heart.  “Who was this Man that such things are taking place?”  his heart screamed silently. 

Then illumination came to him from heaven above.  The centurion began to praise God, and other soldiers around him joined in.  “Certainly this man was innocent and righteous!  Truly this man was the Son of God!”

Do you believe that Jesus is who He claimed to be?  Do you praise Him daily for the horrific death He died for you?  It is not  to be taken lightly.

Sunday, March 25, 2012


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Day 26:  The Two Criminals (Luke 23: 32-33, 39-43)

The beatings and the trial were now behind Him, but the cross still loomed ahead of Him.  While Simon of Cyrene carried His cross, the two other convicted criminals carried their own crosses to Calvary.  Yes, death was just a few hours ahead.

Crucifixion was a torturous and horrific way to die.  But Jesus kept His eyes fixed on the goals:  the sacrifice to be made once and for all, salvation that would be available to the whole world, and a chance for all to have a personal and real relationship with the Father, the Spirit to come, and Him.  But He also focused on the glorious moment that He would return to His Father and be Home again.  But what would lie ahead for the two criminals?  What were they thinking about on the way to their deaths?  What did they have to look forward to?

As Jesus and the two men hung from their trees of death, some of the rulers, the commoners and the guards began to hurl insults at Him.  Even one of the criminals joined in.  “If You are the Christ, save Yourself and us!” he sneered, laughing an evil laugh.

“How could he say those things?” the other criminal thought.  The sheer audacity of that sinful man!  It just doesn’t make any sense that he would be demanding to be saved from the consequence of his own sin!  How could he so blatantly speak out such evil?  Did he not fear God Almighty?

Finding his voice amidst the pain, he had to speak.  “The punishment we received is just and fair for us.  We did what was unlawful and hang here today because of our disobedience.”  Then looking directly into the eyes of Jesus he said, “But this Man, He has done nothing wrong.  Jesus, please remember me when You come into Your kingdom.”  Seeing into the man’s heart, Jesus answered him, “Truly I say to you, today you shall be with Me in Paradise.”

Are you looking for Jesus to save you out of the circumstances of your own sinful life, expecting Him to change them?  Or are you recognizing your sinfulness, confessing it to Jesus, and letting Him change you?

Saturday, March 24, 2012


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Day 25:  Zaccheus, the Tax Collector

As Jesus was heading toward Jerusalem, He had to pass through Jericho.  A hush came over those who were on the street that day as they looked to the horizon and saw the Man coming whom they had heard so much about. 

Zaccheus had just made a tax collection from one of the street venders when the hubbub began.  Straining to see over the crowd, Zaccheus became frustrated again by his stature.  It had always plagued him and humiliated him.  But he was rich and he had great power over those whom he was charged to collect from.  Maybe his greed had become his compensation for his lack of height. 

Knowing that he would never get a glimpse of the Man, Zaccheus ran ahead and climbed into a sycamore tree.   Perching in the tree was just fine with Zaccheus.  He had heard that this Jesus seemed to know things He couldn’t possibly know.  Yes, the tree would do just fine.  He would see Jesus, but maybe Jesus wouldn’t be able to see him—or his cheating, selfish, tax-collecting ways that had made him so wealthy.

“Here He comes.  He doesn’t look like a god.  He looks like a man to me,” Zaccheus mused to himself.  But as he was, Jesus stopped right in front of the tree and looked up—right into Zaccheus’ fearful eyes.  Zaccheus had never been so terrified.  What would Jesus say to him or about him?

“Zaccheus, hurry and come down, for today I must stay at your house,” were the words that broke the uncomfortable silence.  Out of sheer relief Zaccheus scrambled out of the tree and received Jesus’ invitation to entertain Him that night.  Conviction ripped at Zaccheus’ heart, and he boldly proclaimed his sin of defrauding the people out of more money than he was owed.  Half of all he had he pledged to the poor, and to all he had defrauded, he would return four times as much.

Are you trying to hide your sin from Jesus?  When Jesus looks in your heart and reveals your sin, are you willing to let Him in?  Are you willing to make restitution for your sin?  Jesus saved you to seek out your heart.  Will you go the extra mile for the sake of being in the Presence of Jesus?

Friday, March 23, 2012


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Day 24:  Nicodemus  (John 3: 1-21)

“I am so confused,” Nicodemus thought. “Being a man, a GOOD JEWISH man, I have been raised and well-schooled in all the laws of God.  I know very well what God demands of me, and I have obeyed Him and His laws.  But this Man Jesus……He is a puzzle to me.  He has come to us proclaiming a new and better way.  I know that He has performed many impressive signs and miracles that only a man of God could do.  But He also overturned the tables of the moneychangers in the temple at the last Passover, declaring that they were making the temple a place of business.  Isn’t that the way it has always been?  What am I, a ruler of the Jews, to do with such a man?  How can He and the God of my fathers both be right?”

When Nicodemus’ questions refused to leave his mind, he decided to seek out Jesus late one night, not wanting to be seen by his fellow Pharisees.

From the moment Jesus started to speak to him, Nicodemus’ heart began to stir.  Jesus spoke to him of being born again.  “But how?”  he questioned.  As Jesus began to explain just how a man could be spiritually born again , the fog in Nicodemus’ mind began to clear for the very first time.  It was all about the Spirit, not the Law!  And then there was the issue of eternal life, the gift to all who would believe that Jesus was God’s Son AND live their lives by the Spirit according to His commands.  This was the salvation and hope that Nicodemus had longed for his whole life!

He had choices to make.  Would he continue to live in his dark world of sin and the laws he couldn’t possibly keep on his own?  Would he continue to hide his desire for Jesus from his friends?  Or would he confess Jesus as his Lord, coming boldly into the Light that would expose his sin?  Would he live his life by the Spirit as one who practiced the truth he claimed to believe, as a witness to his friends?

These questions also beg questions of us.  Will we receive Jesus in a way that changes our lives dramatically? Will we be witnesses of the One we call Lord? Will we be ashamed to openly worship Him?  Or will we stay safe?

Thursday, March 22, 2012


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Day 23:  John the Baptist (Matthew 11: 1-6)

He came into the world in no insignificant or ordinary way.  His birth and name were foretold by an angel to his father, who then became mute until he arrived.  Both of his parents were beyond the normal childbearing years.  He had been filled with the Spirit of God before he even breathed his first breath.  He was given a clearly spelled-out assignment before he was conceived. He would be the forerunner of the Messiah, bringing a message to his people, a message of repentance of sin. Yes, his life had been extraordinary, and his call precise.  He would make ready a people prepared for the Lord’s coming.

Growing up, he knew his close relative, Jesus, was special.  How many times had he heard the stories of how their births were so similar, uncannily so?  Yet he hadn’t put it all together that Jesus was the One he was preparing the way for. (John 1:31, 33)  When the time came, he diligently set out to fulfill his special calling.

His message of repentance was well-received, though it was a brand new concept for his people.  Until then, they only knew they were to offer sacrifices for the sin they committed.  Never before had they been taught to turn from their sin.  But the message of repentance was necessary to prepare their hearts for the message of salvation.  The crowds continued to gather, to hear, and be baptized.  Some even thought that John might be the Christ.

On that particular day another crowd from Bethany joined John at the Jordan River.  When he looked beyond the olive trees, he saw Him coming—Jesus!  When He arrived at the river’s edge and revealed why He came, John was incredulous.  How could he baptize Him?  Yet the Spirit in him leaped, and he knew this was the Christ.  Understanding the requirement of the moment, John obeyed.  God confirmed in his spirit what he already knew.  “This is My Beloved Son!”

Yet John, months later, faltered in his faith.  Upon hearing of the works of Jesus, he sent his disciples to inquire if He was the Expected One, or should they look on.  Are you faltering in your faith?  Has your faith turned to doubt?  Try revisiting in your mind the day of your salvation.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012


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Day 22:  Matthew, the Tax Collector (Luke: 5: 27-32)

Jesus had created more than just a little stir in Capernaum.  He taught with great authority, He was casting out evil spirits, and He was healing people of many different diseases.  News about Him spread throughout the city, and soon the whole city was camped outside the home where he was staying.  Knowing it was time to minister in other cities, Jesus and His few followers left Capernaum.  But after awhile, He returned, and it didn’t take very long for the word to get out that He had returned.  Again, the crowds were attracted to the Man with power.  One day so many gathered in the home where He was that people had to be turned away because there just wasn’t enough room.  That was the day that He healed the paralytic who was let down through the roof.

Everyone was talking about Jesus.  Even Matthew, the town’s tax collector, had spent many hours pondering the miracles of Jesus.  Who was this Man who did the impossible?  Could He be sent from God?   But there was no one to answer his questions.  Who could he ask?  He was hated because he took their taxes, and he hadn’t always been honest. 

Then Matthew saw Jesus coming toward him on the way to the seashore with many townspeople following behind Him.  “Are they coming for me?” he nervously thought.  What might this Jesus say to him or do if He passes by?  But his logic reassured him that Jesus likely wouldn’t even notice him amongst all those who were following after Him already.  And surely someone had told Him what a wicked man he’d been.   “No, I have nothing to be anxious about at all.  He probably hates me as much as they do.  He is a righteous man.  What would He have to do with me, a sinner, anyway?” he convinced himself.

To his amazement, Jesus passed by, turned to him and said, “Follow Me!”  Without a second thought, Matthew obeyed, leaving everything behind.

Following Jesus is what we are called to do after we have been saved.  Have you been willing to leave everything of your sin life behind so that you may follow Him toward Christ-likeness?  What have been your most recent victories over sin?  Can Christ be seen in you?

Though we struggle with laying down our sin, our greatest difficulty is rooted in our response to Jesus' simple, yet profound, words to us . . . "Follow Me!"  Who is truly leading your life?

Tuesday, March 20, 2012


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 Day 21:  The Father of the Mute Boy (Mark 9: 14-29)

Jesus, Peter, James and John were returning to the other disciples.  After having been on the mountain together where Jesus was trans-figured before them.  It was very clear as they approached the disciples that something was up.  A crowd surrounded the disciples, and they were in a heated argument with some of the scribes.  As they came near, the crowd took a new interest in Jesus, and they ran to greet him.

Quickly a man began to describe what had just happened.  He had brought his son for healing from a demon that possessed him.  When put on the spot, the disciples had not been able to heal the mute boy who foamed at the mouth, ground his teeth, and was being slammed to the ground.  His convulsions proved to be too difficult for them.  “If You can do something, have pity on us!” the man pleaded.

“If You can?  All things are possible for him who believes,” Jesus answered him.

“I want to believe,” the man thought.  “But do I really believe?”  For what seemed like hours, he wrestled with this question within himself.  He felt an inner convulsion of his heart and mind that could have equaled the physical convulsion of his son.  But in the midst of the turmoil, a light went on.  “I believe this Man can help my son, and the problems I have with unbelief, He can help me with as well,” the man rejoiced.  In a loud voice he proclaimed for all to hear, “I DO believe; help my unbelief!

With a look of compassion and understanding, Jesus smiled at the man.  Turning to the son, He commanded the spirit to come out and never return.  Jesus raised the boy up from the ground; the crowd dispersed, and Jesus and his disciples went home.  When asked why they couldn’t drive out the spirit, Jesus’ only reply was, “This kind cannot come out by anything but prayer.”

Do you believe in the power of prayer?  Do you pray about everything?  In what areas do you struggle with unbelief?  Are you praying about them?  Does your lack of prayer point to your unbelief?  Do you ever pray this prayer, "I do believe; help my unbelief"?

Monday, March 19, 2012


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Day 20:  The Woman at the Well  (John 4: 1-30, 39)

Being a Samaritan woman, she knew very well “her place” among the Jews.  She was of a rejected race.  As a woman of that race, she was less than a dog to the Jews.  So why was this Man, obviously Jewish, even speaking to her, let alone asking her to draw water from the well for Him to drink?  Even if she obeyed His command, surely He wouldn’t drink out of her cup!

And what was this “living” water that He was speaking of?  How could you drink it and not thirst again?  Could it really cause you to live forever as well?  Whatever this water was, she certainly wanted to have some of it!  But would He give it to her, a Samaritan woman?

“Sir, give me some of this water that You are talking about,” she pleaded.  She was prepared to drink the water He spoke of, but she could not have been prepared for His reply.  “Go, call your husband and come,” He answered.  She was thrilled that He was going to give her the water, until His words settled into her excited thoughts.  Husband?  I can’t go get my husband because I have no husband now.  “I have no husband,” she answered Him.

Seeing her look of despair, He reassured her that He knew that she had no husband.  In fact, He knew that the man who was living with her this very moment was not her husband.

Now she was completely humiliated. How did He know such things? Obviously He was some kind of a prophet.  But the more He spoke with her, the more convinced she became that He was not merely a prophet; He was her Messiah, the long-awaited Christ.  Her heart was transformed in that moment, and she dropped everything, ran into the city, and testified about the Man who had seen what she had desperately tried to keep hidden.  Many believed in Christ because of her humbling testimony.

Jesus sees all that we do.  When He reveals our sins to us, do we repent and turn from them?  Do we allow our repentance to be our testimony to others, or does pride keep us from being transparent and humble?

Sunday, March 18, 2012


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Day 19:  The Lad With the Loaves and Fishes

Jesus had been traveling for quite some time now, performing miracles and signs in the towns He came through.  Though the signs and miracles were designed to lead people to salvation and grace, most of the crowd followed for other reasons.  They wanted to see more miracles.

On this particular day, the crowds had been pressing in, and when Jesus went to the other side of the Sea of Galilee, they followed Him there to a desolate mountainside as well.  The crowd was immense, five thousand men, not counting their families with them.  It was evening, and it would soon be dark. And no one was making any attempt to go back home.

“The people are hungry,” the disciples exclaimed.  “You aren’t going to feed them, are You?  Just send them away!”  Knowing there were no bakeries around, no “fast food” restaurants, and no homes where food might be fixed, Jesus tested his disciples by saying, “You feed them!”

Looking around for an answer to their dilemma, Andrew saw a lad who had a canvas bag with something in it.  The two made eye contact, and then Andrew looked down at the bag.  The lad’s father, wanting to protect his own evening meal, commanded his son to sit down and be quiet about what was in the bag.  But the lad was compelled to give what he had – two fish and five loaves – to the man looking at him.

How ridiculous it seemed to the disciples.  What could Jesus do with so little?  One look from Jesus told them to bring it anyway.  Knowing exactly what His Father would do, Jesus blessed and broke the bread and began to distribute it.  When all had eaten, twelve baskets of pieces remained.  “Did they get it?” Jesus wondered.  “I am the Bread of Life.”

Surely the young boy who gave the Lord  everything he had, who saw it multiplied to feed thousands, came away with a new and changed heart and a testimony to share with all who would listen.

Does Jesus find us willing to give Him our all?  Our money? Our time? Our relationships?  Our strengths and weaknesses? Our sins?  Are we surrendered to the higher authority, like the young boy was?

Saturday, March 17, 2012


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Day 18:  The Man Born Blind (John 9)

Jesus was ministering from place to place.  While he was traveling he came upon a man who had been blind since birth.  His disciples were full of questions for their Master.  Had the man sinned to bring about his blindness?  Or had his parents?  Jesus took the opportunity to have a “teachable moment” with his disciples and the others who were there.

“It was neither that this man sinned, nor his parents; but it was so that the works of God might be displayed in him,” was Jesus’ reply.  Jesus then declared that as long as He was in the world, He was the Light of the world.  Even while He was saying this, He spat on the ground, made clay of the spittle and put it on the blind man’s eyes, telling the man to go to the pool of Siloam and wash. 

This very intimate exchange probably stunned those present.  Surely they wondered at the ways of Jesus.  But all their musings came to an end when the blind man returned SEEING!  The Light of the World had brought to his blind eyes--and his blind soul--the first light he had ever seen.  God used His Son to perform a healing that had never occurred before, so that He might be glorified.

When questioned by the Pharisees as to who had done this miracle, and whether Jesus was a sinner because He healed on the Sabbath, the now-seeing man could only proclaim, “Whether He is a sinner, I do not know; one thing I do know, that though I was blind, now I see.”  This man held no resentment for the purpose of his blindness, but instead gave a powerful testimony of God’s work in him, received Jesus by believing that He was the Son of Man and the Lord, and began to worship Him.

From your birth sin has been your handicap.  It doesn’t matter that sin originated with Adam.  What matters is that you were saved to show God’s work in and through you.  You have been washed by the blood of the same Man who healed the blind man so that you could spiritually see.  Are you resentful of the circumstances that God has allowed in your life?  Or are you living to give testimony to the One who saved you and to reveal His good works in you?

Friday, March 16, 2012


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Day 17:  The Woman Caught in Adultery (John 8: 1-11)

Early one morning Jesus was walking by the temple and entered.  He sat down and began to teach those who had already gathered there for the morning teaching.  Commotion filled the air outside, and the sounds of a struggle could clearly be heard.  The voice of a woman crying caught Jesus’ attention over the angry, loud words of the men with her.

“Rabbi, this woman has been caught in adultery, in the VERY act!” the Jewish leaders cried.  Filthy, humiliated, and ashamed, the woman stood in the center of the entire gathering.  The eyes of the crowd burned holes in her heart.  Anger welled up inside of her as she considered the injustice of this law.  “Where is the man who was with me?” her thoughts screamed out. “Isn’t he just as sinful as I am?  Have I been set up?  How did the religious leaders know?  They didn’t just “happen” by that early in the morning, did they?”

Her thoughts were interrupted by, “Our law says such a woman must be stoned!”  It was then that all attention turned toward the Teacher.  It was the first time the woman had taken notice of Him.  It seemed like hours passed while He wrote in the dirt.  She wondered if He would condemn her.  Her eyes dropped to the ground as she realized she had no hope of forgiveness. 

Jesus answered the Pharisees who had brought the accusation against the woman.  “He who is without sin among you, let him be the first to throw a stone at her.”  Her eyes still cast downward, she heard the murmurs, then the shuffling of feet, and when she dared to look up, she met the eyes of her Savior.  Turning to where her accusers stood she discovered that not one of them remained in the street.

Do you run in to be the first to accuse, judge, and condemn when someone has been caught in a sin?  Or maybe you are the “adulteress”—caught and in need of repentance.  Either way, we must know who we are……SINNERS, all of us!  Jesus told the woman, “From now on, sin no more.”   It applied to both the woman and the Pharisees in this story.  It applies to us as well.  Which sin do you relate to?  Stop sinning now, if you are.   Or begin now to be the first to love and restore the sinner.

Thursday, March 15, 2012


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Day 16:  The Thankful Leper (Luke 17: 11-19)

Again we find Jesus in today’s passage on His way to Jerusalem, to the cross on which He would die to bring salvation to the world.  His path led Him through the middle of Samaria on the north, and into Galilee.  Upon entering a village along the way, a group of men stood off in the distance, hoping to meet Jesus.  Seizing the opportunity at hand, the ten men went out to the One they had heard so much about.  By this time, Jesus had healed many people.  Word of these healings had surely reached their village.

“Jesus, Master, have mercy on us!” they cried out, desperate to be heard over the crowd that was surrounding Him.  These ten men had been afflicted with the awful disease of leprosy, and they knew He had an authority like no one else they had ever seen.

Jesus’ attention turned to the lepers.  “Go and show yourselves to the priests.”  His answer was simple, yet it begged the next question.  Why did they need to go and show their leprosy to the priests?  It had been required of them when they first contracted it. Why show the priests now?  Jesus mused, knowing their thoughts, and knowing as well that their healing was on the way!  He had sent them to show the priests that their leprosy was healed.  In just a moment it would be GONE!

Deciding that it was best to obey the Master’s words, the ten men took off to show the priests, even though it seemed to make no sense.  On the way to the temple their “mercy” came.  All ten of them were healed of their despised condition.  What had made no sense before made perfect sense now.  Their meeting with the priests would render them all clean.  Nine continued on to the temple to fulfill the Jewish law, but one of them made a clear transition from the Law to the Grace of Jesus Christ.

As fast as his feet would carry him, he turned back to Jesus.  Glorifying God loudly, he fell at the feet of Jesus and worshipped Him, giving Him thanks for the awesome miracle that had taken place in his life.  On that day ten received cleansing, but only one received the greater healing—he was saved.  His faith had made his HEART well.  How’s your heart?

Wednesday, March 14, 2012


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 Day 15:  The Immoral Woman (Luke 7: 36-50)

He was coming to her town—the Man who forgave sins.  Surely there was no one who needed that more than her.  Her immorality was well-known by all.  She felt dirty, unclean, and unworthy of His forgiveness.  Yet, something inside of her was prompting her to go and find Him.

Asking a woman on the street where she might find Him, she returned her look of judgment and condemnation with a downward glance to the ground.  She was thankful that the woman had told her where Jesus could be found, but her shame made her feel like running home instead.

Pushing her feelings aside, she continued on her way, holding very carefully the alabaster vial of perfume in her hands.  Arriving at Simon the Pharisee’s home, she quietly slipped in the side door undetected.  There He was, reclining at the table.  Lowering her eyes, it became quite obvious that the well-known tradition of foot washing had not been offered to Jesus.  His feet were as dirty as her own heart.  Had He been treated with disrespect, she wondered?  She knew exactly what that felt like?

Overcome with her identification with Him, she slowly moved so that she was standing right behind His feet.  Her tears flowed freely and unceasingly, making rivers over the dirt and dung caked on His feet from His travels.  The tears made clean paths on the way to the floor underneath.  Bending down, she took her hair and began to wipe His feet completely clean.  Over and over she wet them and wiped them as years of shame, guilt and regret poured from her heart to His feet.  Then she took the vial of perfume, broke it, and poured it out on them, kissing them as she worshiped the One who might forgive her guilty stain.  Love for Him welled up in a heart once hardened by her own wrong choices.  Moved by this ‘love in action,’ Jesus turned to her and said, “Your sins have been forgiven.  Your faith has saved you.  Go in peace.”  Never had her heart felt so clean.  In peace she left her old life behind.

What are you willing to do to worship Jesus?  What if it humbles you?  Do your feelings ever dictate whether or not you will obey your inner voice? Do you bring to Jesus a clean or dirty heart?  Do you have peace?