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Every 7 years Israel was to set their slaves free, but if that slave loved his master he could choose to stay with him forever. To show his loyalty he would allow his master to pierce his ear as a sign of his commitment. Jesus committed Himself to the Father this way before coming to earth (Ps. 40:6--"My ears You have opened.") It is our choice. Have your ears been forever "opened?" Do you love Him that much?
Becoming a bond-servant of the Lord Jesus Christ is not a simple, verbal commitment made to feel good or guarantee your place in Heaven. It is a personal choice; one that only you can make. Jesus can't make it for you; neither can your family members or friends. Becoming a bond-servant of Christ will require your total surrender. It will affect everything that you think, say and do. It will make your relationship with Christ permanent and eternal, but it will require that you give your life up for His to be lived through you.
In the days of the Israelite, a slave could declare his love and loyalty to his master by refusing to be set free from his servitude. His master would then "take an awl and pierce it through the ear into the door." (Deut. 15:17) The slave's choice resulted in a marking that would prove to the world that he truly would forever be a member of his master's family. And in making such a choice, he willingly gave up his right to personal freedom. His master's rules would be his rules. He would not be "his own man," but would forever belong only to his master. His "mark" revealed his loyalty.
In our world today we have been content to let the "marks" of our loyalty be our attendance in church every Sunday, our ministries, our tithes and offerings, our fellowship with the saints. The world knows that we are Christians because we talk about and do these things. But is this the "mark" that Christ desires or requires of us? While all of these are good things, their mark becomes much more insignificant if the real, true mark is not there. What is that mark? It is surrender of our lives into the hands of Christ. This mark in us reveals we do not live for our personal freedom, but that we now live in complete spiritual surrender to Christ! My personal freedom is willingly given up so that I can permanently serve my Savior. When the world sees that kind of freedom in us, it takes note of it, and might even be attracted to it.
Paul's marks were the scars of a life surrendered to the will of God, scars from whippings and beatings. Christ submitted Himself to the Father by having His ears "opened" before He came to earth. And then He committed Himself to us by allowing 3 spikes and a sword to pierce His hands and feet and side. Have you willingly and loyally laid you ear against the doorpost, allowing God to put His mark on you? God is looking for your surrender to Him.
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