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One Step at a Time! |
Often we ask God for more information than He is willing to share. Before Samson was born, God told his parents that he would be a Nazarite from birth, and they were to follow all the instructions that He had given them. His father wanted to know what kind of life Samson would live and what his job would be. God's response? "Do the things I just told you to do...obey Me!" One step at a time! Don't get ahead of God!
Haven't you asked those kinds of questions? I know I have. Both fear and excitement caused me to ask the kinds of questions that insist on God being our "seer," rather than our omniscient Father. Sometimes I want to know the full "blueprint" of my life rather than being satisfied with the small, but sufficient, view I am being offered.
In the last few years I have gone on the amazing journey of writing and publishing a book. I can remember clearly the day my fear began to overwhelm me when I asked God, "How do I go about publishing this book you have called me to write?" For sure, both elements of fear and excitement were intermingled in my "desperate to know" request, but also that desire to take the "easy route" of knowing the specifics of what God intended to do. God certainly answered my nagging question with a loving, but firm response. "My precious one, begin to write chapter one."
I felt like Samson's father surely felt. I wanted to reply, "But You didn't answer my question!" I closed my mouth before I could say that, but God knew exactly what I was thinking. Then I heard Him speak to my heart. "I will take you through this process. You can trust Me. If I tell you everything, you will be overwhelmed. Today's work must be done. Today's work is for you to start chapter one. I will show you what is next ,bit by bit, as you need to know. . . just take one step at a time."
God called me to simply obey the current command. By doing that I would be protected from an enemy who wanted to steal my faith and joy. Needless to say, chapter 1 began to take form that very day. I know now that He had each step clearly laid out, for now that very book is due to be released May 1 of this year! Though I have many more "steps" on this particular journey, I know my God is faithful to lead me to the next when the time is right.
This principle was reiterated recently by a doctor giving a surgical update. While every concerned person involved wanted to know "things in the future" because of their great love for the patient, the doctor could not answer all of their questions (though God knows the answer to each one, for sure!). His exact words to them were, "We have 200 steps to take, and we are on step one."
Are you trying to get ahead of God, and gain answers to questions He has not answered? Think about what the last thing God told you to do concerning your question. Whatever He told you. . . begin to do it! Obey everything He has said. One day you will find yourself at the top of the steps!
Partly due to my personality and another from my chosen career being of a technical nature- I have a tendency to want a clear roadmap, before venturing into the fray...
ReplyDeleteParalysis from analysis is a certain danger for me..
Lord, I want to walk by Faith- as I step out into the abyss ( As Indiana Jones did.. or better yet, Joshua- crossing the Jordan).. Lord as you have told me, that you know me and I KNOW your voice..
Lord I ask that you provide me the ability to quiet my Heart, My Mind and the clanging gong of the whims of this world to be silenced as I tune my heart to you.
As I eagerly seek to step in congruence with your promptings.. I am one of yours and I know my Shepherd's voice..
It is all about the level of trust we have. Fear and faith can never dwell together; it's one or the other. Walking in true faith will always require us to do it blindly. God said to Abram, "Take your family and go to the land that I will show you." Abram had no idea where he was going; he just obeyed and God showed him. God calls us to this kind of a trusting walk.
ReplyDeleteLove your comments, Joe.