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When Israel demanded a golden calf when they thought Moses would not return, he came down the mountain and burned and crushed their man-made idol. He put the dust of it in their water and made them drink it. When we create "gods" in our lives, THE God will not only crush it to pieces, but we often have to drink of its bitter consequences. "You shall have NO other gods before Me. I am your all in all!"
I was surprised to learn as I studied this review of the 10 Commandments that "before Me" literally means "in God's sight" or "to His face." It does not mean that you as long as you have God in 1st place in your life you can have your little gods, too.
When we create a god in our lives, whether it is a particular sin that we default to or a pervasive sinful attitude, we have actually put our god right in God's face! This is not permissible. We cannot claim that God is our 1st love while having other "loves" on the side! If God is truly our first love and priority, the One we default to, then there is no room for other gods. With God as our only God, and if we truly love Him, then we are living our lives "to keep the commandments of God". If gods are present in your heart, you cannot fully follow Him.
What is inside your heart? What is it that you constantly try to keep hidden from others? What is it that you have written off to "your personality" or "inherited behaviors?" God wants your heart to be circumcised, with the flesh cut away from it, leaving only the Spirit who dwells there within you. What does this then require of you? Check out Deuteronomy 10: 12, 13, and 16. God clearly states what He expects of us:
Fear Him (reverence and honor Him as the only God.)
Walk in His ways (as Christ walked, where He tells you to walk)
Love Him by intentionally setting your affections on Him
Serve Him with every bit of your heart and soul (no room for other gods)
Keep (DO!) God's commandments, all that His word tells us.
This is how you circumcise your heart; this is how you stop "stiffening your neck". God wants your whole heart, all of you, not just the parts you choose to give Him.
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