Cheryl Gnagey - Author, Speaker, Spiritual Coach

Cheryl Gnagey - Author, Speaker, Spiritual Coach

Saturday, February 26, 2011

On The Banks of Your Jordan

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Israel is camped on the edge of the Jordan, closer than they have ever been to the Promised Land. The years in the wilderness have taken a toll on them, but this new generation is moving forward. Have they learned all the necessary spiritual lessons? Will they finish the journey in front of them in bold and courageous faith? How are you doing on your personal journey? What lies just ahead of you?
When Israel left Egypt, they went out into the wilderness with great faith in their God who had just slayed every firstborn in Egypt.  They had been spared because of the very first Passover.  God had also displayed His great and mighty supremacy over every Egyptian god by the first nine plagues.  They knew their God; they trusted in Him.  And yet, 3 days into their journey home they lost their fervor and their faith.  They stumbled and fell, over and over, in the wilderness.  They became obstinately disobedient and even longed to go back to their former life of slavery and bondage in Egypt.  Their unbelief and evil actions had grave consequences.  Every person (except Joshua and Caleb) of the original group would die in the wilderness, and never see the land of their forefathers, the Promised Land.  
Those who stood on the banks of the Jordan, ready to drive out the Canaanites and take possession of their homeland, were the new generation of Israelites.  As children (spared of the curse of dying in the wilderness) they had observed their parents' sin and disobedience.  Now it was their turn.  Would they obey every command of the Lord their God?  Or would they begin to walk their own way as the parents had? 
Just ahead of them was a river they would have to cross, people to drive out, altars of pagan worship to destroy, armies to defeat, and purity and devotion to God to hang onto!  Each one would have countless, individual choices to make.  And each choice would affect the entire nation.
Today, you too have a river to cross.  It is the river of dying to your own desires, goals, agendas, and plans.  You have sin in your heart that must be driven out, attitudes that need to be destroyed, and a holiness in God to attain.  That is your Promised Land of rest--rest in the peace of God that only is obtained by right relationship with Him.
You are a part of THIS generation.  What your parents did, right or wrong, can have no influence on your choices.  You, and you alone are responsible for them.  How do you choose to walk?  Will it be as an obedient child of God?  Or will others look at your walk and see that it looks a lot like the lost generation of the wilderness?  Will you be facing forward, walking in the Spirit, with eyes on the promises or looking back longingly to the days when you walked in your flesh? 
Go forth boldly!  Walk in the power of the Spirit and true faith!  The promises are waiting for you just on the other side of surrender!

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