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Recently on Facebook I have seen this question circulating on my friends' statuses: What would you do if you knew you would utterly succeed in it? It is a good question to ponder, but we all know that in this life we are not promised utter success. It did remind me, however, of a statement God once said to a king who was no more than a child. The Almighty said this to Solomon: "Ask what you wish Me to give you." What would we ask God to give us if we knew we would surely get it? What would you have asked for if you were a mere child?
Solomon responded to God by first conveying both his gratitude and thankfulness for the love that He had shown his father, David. Solomon knew that he sat on the throne that very day because the LORD God had directed it in response to a promise that He had made David. God kept His promise because David had walked with Him with a righteous heart. David lived his life with a God-ward heart, though he stumbled and fell many times. The promise God made to David was this: He would always have a blood relative on the throne. David had just died, but not before appointing Solomon, his son, to succeed him.
Next, Solomon recognized his own insignificance in and of himself, referring to himself as a "little child" who did not know the "ins and outs" of reigning over a kingdom of millions. By such a reply, Solomon was humbling himself before the Lord of All and submitting himself to Him as he recognized his own inability to hand his life alone.
Finally, Solomon responded to the implied question, "What do you desire from Me?" His answer sounded nothing like the responses from the little children I have known. He didn't ask for fancy gifts or fame and fortune. Solomon asked for wisdom to be great judge of the people, being able to know the difference between good and evil. Solomon was asking for wisdom that came from inside of him, from his heart. He longed to be a "man after God's heart," even as his father David was.
Today, I am asking God for the same thing. This wisdom of the heart is not reserved back by God for kings only. This precious gift is reserved for the children of the King as well. Every fiber of my being longs for the wisdom and discernment that will choose correctly between what is evil and what is good, between the ways of the flesh and the ways of the Spirit of Christ who lives in me. Solomon received this gift from the hand of God. So has every believer. The Holy Spirit is wisdom and discernment. I need only to thank the Lord for His awesome gift to me and surrender to Him in a humility that knows I am incapable of achieving it on my own. Will you join me in praying this prayer today? God is saying to all of us, "Ask what you wish Me to give you."
Lord God, how thankful I am that You have made promises to me that You intend to keep. You have seen that my heart is turned toward You. You know the desire of my heart to walk in all of Your ways by obeying Your commands. But I am still so much like Your little child who does not always know how to walk in You, and out of my wrong thoughts, words, and actions. I surrender myself to You, knowing that I cannot walk in the Spirit in my power. I need the Holy Spirit's power to accomplish this, and thus please Your heart. By the power of Him who dwells within me, grant me knowledge and wisdom and discernment to guide me on Your paths today. Amen! And so be it according to Your will for me.
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