As a tornado shelter this room, where I attended my Brownie meetings at the age of 8 and where I had 3rd hour study hall my junior and senior years of high school, also was a place where I felt very safe when we got on the floor with our heads between our knees when the tornado sirens went off in inclement weather. It was below ground which lent itself to that great feeling of security. Not understanding the real meaning of "fallout" I was more than happy to do just that in this shelter from the storm.
Today, I know the reality of the term "fallout shelter." But my complete trust is in the Perfect fallout shelter--Jesus Christ, my Savior, Protector, and Refuge. King David knew God as that, as well. His psalm recorded in Psalm 18 and again in 2 Samuel 22 begins with his thanksgiving for to a God who had always been his "fallout shelter."
Through his words we discover that his shelter looked more like this:
"The Lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer; my God, my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield and the horn (strength) of my salvation, my stronghold and my refuge; my Savior. . ."
Are you being battered by a spiritual storm? Or are you, as David was, under a spiritual attack, led by an enemy of yours? While our modern "safe places" may not help you in these situations, David's God can. He is a rock of sure footing that you can walk confidently upon. He is a mighty and strong fortress that you can run into, and be safe. He is the shelter that protects you from the enemy who comes out to war with you. It is He that is the best refuge. He is your Savior.
What do you usually run to? What are those things that you try to hide yourself in? Is it a sin that brings you physical comfort? Or is it the attitude that flows out of your victim mentality? Do you seek the Shield that has the ability to deflect the fiery arrows, or do you seek a friend that will sympathize with you and let you stay in your pouting, whining, 'feel-sorry-for-yourself' moods?
As for David, he proclaimed, "I will call upon the LORD. . .in my distress I called upon the LORD, Yes! I cried to my God; and from His temple He heard my voice, and my cry came to His ears." (2 Samuel 22: 4a, 7) Who or what will you call upon? Your Fortress is waiting for your call!
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