Cheryl Gnagey - Author, Speaker, Spiritual Coach

Cheryl Gnagey - Author, Speaker, Spiritual Coach

Friday, August 3, 2012

Sin's Disobedience Breaks God's Heart

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What do your actions and words say to the world? Do you REALLY have an impact on the world when you sin? And what impact does your disobedience have on God?

"Our willful disobedience as born-again children of the Living God breaks the heart of the Father who loves us so much, the heart of Jesus who left His home in Heaven and died in our place, and the heart of the Spirit who longs to sanctify and complete us.  It also brings into our lives the consequences of it, the fruit of disobedience.  Have you been there?  Has your walk ever faltered and felt empty because you are walking in a known sin rather than in the Spirit?  Have you felt the discipline of Daddy for breaking His commands?  Or maybe you have just simply been walking your own journey, disregarding the instruction and illumination that the Spirit can give.  Disobedience has many faces, but none of them is God's reflection in us.  Ultimately, when we disobey on a regular basis, our holiness and Christ-likeness is threatened.  We begin to lose the ground that we gained in the past, and our reflection looks like the face of the world instead of the face of God."

Have you checked your reflection recently?  What does the world see?  What does God see?

(Quoted from Chapter 8, "Fully Following God's Commands" in Spiritual Healing:  The Surrender That Brings Victory, written by Cheryl Gnagey and available at

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