Cheryl Gnagey - Author, Speaker, Spiritual Coach

Cheryl Gnagey - Author, Speaker, Spiritual Coach

Monday, March 26, 2012


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Day 27:  The Roman Centurion at the Cross (Mark 15:33-39)

A Roman centurion from early adulthood, he stood guarding the crosses of the three prisoners.  His commander surely trusted him, for the One who hung on the center cross had aroused emotions and grave suspicions of many.  He positioned himself squarely in front of this One whom he heard had claimed to be the Son of God.

All around him he heard the shouts and insults of the crowd.  “If you are the Son of God, come down and save yourself,” they cried, laughing at the accused.  Even the Jewish religious leaders condemned Him, yelling, “You saved others.  If you are the Son of God, come down from that cross and save yourself!” 

He was confused.  Just who was this Man who had been crucified?  How could He look out with such compassion at those who hurled insults at Him?  And why is it that when He looks my direction He seems to see right inside of me and know the very thoughts that I am thinking? 

Then the amazing and frightening began to happen.  From the moment He was nailed to the cross and lifted up, the day turned to night, and for three hours it remained dark.  The centurion could barely make out His face.  And then it seemed to be over.  The Man in the center cried out to someone, devastated for being so forsaken, and He gave up His spirit, and breathed His last.  Finally, this horrible scene could come to an end.

The centurion had not completed his thought when the ground began to shake violently and rocks were crushed.  A little later reports reached Golgotha that the veil in the Jewish temple had been torn from top to bottom.  Terror and fear filled this soldier’s heart.  “Who was this Man that such things are taking place?”  his heart screamed silently. 

Then illumination came to him from heaven above.  The centurion began to praise God, and other soldiers around him joined in.  “Certainly this man was innocent and righteous!  Truly this man was the Son of God!”

Do you believe that Jesus is who He claimed to be?  Do you praise Him daily for the horrific death He died for you?  It is not  to be taken lightly.

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