Cheryl Gnagey - Author, Speaker, Spiritual Coach

Cheryl Gnagey - Author, Speaker, Spiritual Coach

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Hoarding My Blessings

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January 6, 2016

"From there he (Abram) moved on to the hill country east of Bethel and pitched his tent, with Bethel on the west and Ai on the east.  He built an altar to Yahweh there and called on the name of Yahweh."    (Genesis 12:8)

Abram had been called out of his country to a new place that was given to him by God.  The land was a blessing and a gift from God. As Abram arrived in the land of inheritance, he began to build altars of worship to his God, Yahweh.  It was not simply a monument to God, but a chance for Abram to give all glory back to God for the incredible blessings God had bestowed on him.  Abram was giving his blessings back to God.  It is in doing this that Abram refuses to hoard up his blessings of God for himself, but instead return it to the Giver of the blessing.  In this way, by not clinging to it for himself alone, Abram opens the door for God to use this blessing for others as well.  The altar built stood in direct opposition to that attitude of feeling blessed and selfishly holding onto the blessing for himself.  Had he done that, he would have likely become proud and arrogant in his blessing, and he would have robbed others (all of God's chosen) of experiencing the blessing.

This causes me to stop and consider the many blessings that I have been given, and whether or not I am guilty of robbing others of enjoying the blessings too.  Have I been hoarding up my blessings for myself?  Have I been unwilling to share what You have so richly blessed me with?  Oswald Chambers says this about hoarding up your blessings:
"If you heard a thin for yourself, it will turn into spiritual dry rot, as the manna did when it was hoarded.  God will never let you hold a spiritual thing for yourself; it has to be given back to Him that He may make it a blessing to others."
My blessings are like blessings of all of God's children:  the blessings of time, the blessings of talents and gifts, and the blessings of treasure.  All of these must be returned to God in order for them to bless others.  And isn't that the primary reason God gives them to us?  Have I truly given all of my blessings back to my Yahweh?

Lord Jesus, I confess that I have not always given every blessing back to You.  I have hoarded up in my heart the blessing family, pridefully stroking it and parading it before people who do not have a family like I have been blessed with.  Forgive my insensitivity; cleanse me from all unrighteousness; teach me ways that I can share the experience of family with those less fortunate than me.  And thank you for blessing me this way.

Lord Jesus, I confess that I have not known how you want me to share Spiritual Healing with others.  Because of my insecurity and lack of know-how to spread its word to others, I have left the books hidden away in a cold storage unit.  I desire greatly for You to use this "talent" You gave to me to bless others.  Open my heart to receive Your plan for the distribution of these books.  I want to see them go out and be fruitful, but I have not know how to accomplish it, and I never asked You.   Forgive me for that, and thank you for blessing me this way. 

Lord Jesus, I confess that I have not been a wise user of my time.  You have blessed me to be at home all these years, rather than be in the work place.  Thank you SO VERY MUCH for such an awesome blessing.  I know that I have often used this blessing of  time for good.  But I also know that I waste a lot of precious time on ridiculous and foolish endeavors.  I want you to have all of this time back, because I truly want to be a blessing to others in 2016.  Help me know how to do that to a HUGE degree!

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