Cheryl Gnagey - Author, Speaker, Spiritual Coach

Cheryl Gnagey - Author, Speaker, Spiritual Coach

Thursday, January 9, 2014

You Have the Authority . . . Now Stand!

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Genesis 14:20

"Blessed be the God Most High who has delivered your enemies into your hand."

In my morning reading of the Word of God, I was struck by this verse.  It was originally spoken to Abram, after he and his men defeated a powerful and strong king (Chedorlaomer), by another king and priest, the one who was a type of Christ in the Old Testament, King Melchizedek.  But today when I read them they resonated in my heart, causing me to contemplate this verse's meaning to me and other believers.

As I am aiming at overthrowing every god and idol in my life, and the sins that follow when I worship the wrong things, these words remind me of the AUTHORITY that you and  I have been given and now possess to overcome and overthrow them all.  This authority is ours by and through the shed blood of Christ and His victory over the grave!  You see, it is by His crucifixion, His death, His resurrection, His ascension to His rightful throne, and His glorification that He has delivered MY enemies (and yours) into MY hand (and yours)!

We have this authority to win our daily battles over our sin.  And yet I personally continue to fall so short of using that authority to stand firm against my enemy, being mostly oblivious to the power to overcome that lies in me.  Christ paid the greatest cost for me to have this authority, and yet I am comfortable continuing in sin.  This comfortable Christianity is an abomination to the work of Jesus Christ.  Are you guilty of the same thing?  If so, you might want to pray this prayer.  It was mine this morning.

Jesus, help me remember that today and everyday, until all the 'kings' of my life are defeated,  I have the authority to stand up to temptation and sin.  As You remind me of this critical spiritual truth in my walk with You, help me to choose to stand firm against the very enemies that You have already delivered into my hands.

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