Cheryl Gnagey - Author, Speaker, Spiritual Coach

Cheryl Gnagey - Author, Speaker, Spiritual Coach

Friday, September 6, 2013

Put To Death what is earthly in you! Really? -- Colossians 3:5

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Death . . . it is not a topic that we like to talk about much.  It ranks right up there with surrender and obedience when it comes to living as a believer and convert of Jesus Christ.

Yet, it is impossible to walk in the Light and by the Spirit without a death in us, not a physical death, but a death of our flesh.  That is what makes the topic so very unpopular in the western church. Those who claim to love the Lord struggle with the thought of crucifying their passions, lusts, idols, and sins.  We tend to justify our sins under the guise of, "Well, I am just made that way."  And if that is your excuse, I bet you have one, just like I do.

             " PUT TO DEATH what is earthly in you."

As I came to this verse (and a few that follow it), I found the very flesh that I am to be crucifying rising up inside of  me.  You see, I struggle a bit with anyone telling me what I have to do. Maybe you experience the same struggle.  If so, Colossians 3:5 will likely hit you over the head, especially as you realize, as I did, that knowing that we are to do something does not equal the actual doing of it.  This verse requires strong, immediate, and continual action. This one is our responsibility in Christ.

There you have it!  Everything that comes from the inside of you that is worldly (earthly), must be put to death.  It isn't a suggestion; it is a command!

Thinking back to verse 3, I have to ask myself.a couple of questions  You should, too.

  • If I have died and am hidden with Christ in God, then why am I working so hard to keep my flesh alive? 
  • Can I be 'positionally' hidden in Christ, and still have sins that are clearly not hidden?
  • What is preventing me from surrendering my earthly (and very fleshly) sins, and walking in obedience to what the Word commands me to do or not do?
  • Why have I not reacted more diligently to the truth that what is of this world in me is NOT of Christ?
It is my responsibility, given to me by God Himself, to put do death my very flesh . . . every bit of it.  That includes some very specific sins (that will be included in my next blog), but it really includes every sin that can be found in me.  I am not walking in obedience if I do not take full vengeance on my every sin, idol, evil thought, passion and lust, personal goal, desire, dream, attitude . . . well, you get the picture!  To not hide them in the shadow of Christ and His every desire for me is to leave them active.  When they are active in me, they expose the true measure of my love for Christ, and it is not a favorable review.

The one who desires to be totally focused on what is above, not on what is earthly, will begin to take up his own cross of earthly and fleshly crucifixion, and walk after the Savior.  This one will discover what I am beginning to understand:  My part is to surrender; the Holy Spirit in me will live the Life of Christ through me as I do so.  But I must surrender in order to climb onto the cross of my own crucifixion.  When I do, the Spirit will lead me to the death of myself in every area where I am prone to stumble.

What sins, lusts, idols, and attitudes need to be put to death in you?  


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