(Excerpt from Cheryl Gnagey's Spiritual Healing: The Surrender That Brings Victory, Chapter 12)
My dear readers, this will be the last post from my book. I have enjoyed sharing its "highlights" with you, and I pray that the Lord has spoken to your heart regarding your own spiritual healing. I will still be blogging, but on my daily reading instead of my book. And then, at the first of the year, I just may return to posting from the book, to refresh all of our memories regarding this fantastic journey that we all are on as we seek the face of God. I would love for you to continue to follow my blog, and post your comments too, because that is my very favorite part . . . having you share your journey with me! Blessings to you all as you walk it out for Jesus!
"The burden to build the temple of my heart was never meant to rest on my shoulders. But is will be brought to completion as I realize my daily sins, confess them, surrender to God, and obey whatever God tells me to do after that! God's Spirit will complete the good work that the Father has begun in me! Let this revelation minister to you and defeat the lie that is is up to you to change your own heart. Be set free from striving to repair your fragmented, and sin-ridden heart, as I have been in several areas of my life! It is God alone who will restore your heart, the very Tabernacle of God! Warren Wiersbe summed it up this way, speaking of how we might go about the rebuilding of our hearts:
Hudson Taylor had definite convictions about how God's work should be done. We can make our best plans and try to carry them out in our own strength. Or we can make careful plans and ask God to bless them. 'Yet another way of working is to begin with God: to ask His plans and to offer ourselves to Him to carry out His purposes.'
My great desire is for you to be spiritually healed, healed from the division in your heart between flesh and Spirit that is evident in your thoughts, words, and actions, and healed from your heart's brokenness caused by your sin. This restoration of your heart is your spiritual healing; it is God uniting the chambers of your sinful heart. And it is by your surrender to the Spirit that you will begin to discover victory in overcoming all forms of sin. We wouldn't need evangelism teams sent into the world if Christians were walking in surrendered victory. We would be living testimonies to them!
Now this is my prayer for each of you as you continue on in the process of having your heart, God's Tabernacle, spiritually healed:
I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened, so that you will know what is the hope of His calling, what is the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints, and what is the surpassing greatness of His power toward us who believe. These are in accordance with the working of the strength of His might which He brought about in Christ, when He raised Him from the dead and seated Him at His right hand in the heavenly places . . . (Ephesians, 1:18-20)
Continue on, dear brothers and sisters! Fix your eyes on the Holy of Holies while you walk through the chambers of the Tabernacle of your heart. Keep moving, never stopping, until you reach the goal of the glorious presence of the Father in Heaven! Run in such a way as to win the race! (2 Corinthians 9: 24)
O God, unite all the pieces of our hearts now and restore them and transform us into the likeness of Your Son. Teach us to fear Your name! By this may You be glorified forever and ever, Amen!"
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