(Excerpt from Cheryl Gnagey's Spiritual Healing: The Surrender That Brings Victory, Chapter 10)
"What will happen if we do surrender our sinful hearts to God? Our surrender will lead to victory, perseverance, and power! If we lack power and victory in our daily walk, we can most assuredly know that our personal surrender is lacking. Psalm 51: 16-17 sheds some more light on just what kind of sacrifice God requires of us when we surrender.
For You do not delight in [animal] sacrifice, otherwise I would give it; You are not pleased with burnt offerings. The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart, O God, You will not despise.
God wants our hearts and spirits to be broken by our sinfulness. He is looking for a broken and contrite heart in the one who comes to a place of total surrender. This brokenness and contriteness must be so intense that it leads to real repentance, the turning away from that sin and toward the God of our heart. This kind of brokenness is a deep sorrow and remorse for our sinfulness that is followed by the desire to never fall prey to that sin ever again.
To be broken literally means to 'break or crush into pieces' and the word contrite means to 'collapse'! Is that how you have taken full vengeance on your sin in the past? Have you ever been to that place? Have you been broken to pieces by your sin? Or have you ever collapsed from following after your sinful flesh, your sins, your gods? It is difficult in our pridefulness to get to that place of contriteness and brokenness. We will try every form of evasion to avoid being ground to pieces, won't we? Believe me, I know that from my own experiences! True surrender and repentance are rare in the church today, it seems. Yet we cannot offer God the correct sacrifice if we are never broken and contrite about our sin.
Have you ever found yourself saying any of these things to yourself, as I have?
- "I don't need to do that because I'm already forgiven."
- "I am not all that affected by my sin."
- "Who cares anyway?"
- "I don't want to be labeled a radical Christian."
- "I am afraid that if I fully surrender, God will make me do something that I am uncomfortable with."
Maybe the enemy has spoken things to you that are different than these. It doesn't really matter what has has spoken to you; they are still excuses if you listen to them and use them, and worse, believe them.
Do you know what all these excuses are? They are lies and deception from an enemy who would love for us to remain unyielded to God. He stands to gain territory in our hearts if he can keep us from submitting to God's call to surrender. If the enemy of of our faith can make us believe, for any reason, that we don't need to take our sin seriously, then he will be thrilled to keep us from the power that is available to all who do surrender to God's full control. He would love for us to never surrender anything to God! He would love to continue to hold us captive in our sin! He wants to keep us from the victory God has for us!"
For the believer, spiritual healing is all about the surrender that brings us victory over sin. If you want to lead a victorious, holy life for Jesus, you must come to grips with the idea that it only flows from a heart that has been utterly shattered by its sin, and is now fully surrendered to Him. There are no short-cuts on the way to the victory that Jesus can bring to our spiritual lives.
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