Cheryl Gnagey - Author, Speaker, Spiritual Coach

Cheryl Gnagey - Author, Speaker, Spiritual Coach

Friday, July 20, 2012

Repairing the Breach in Your Wall

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Every Christian's heart has places of disrepair.  Whenever there is a breach in our heart and sin is allowed to reside there, the enemy has control.  It is time to repair the walls of our heart and to clean out the dirty chambers of our hearts.  It is time for God to have full control of our hearts!

"God desires for you to 'go up to the breaches' and build an unbroken wall around the home of God, your heart!  By giving Him access to your heart to close the breach and destroy your idols, He is able to repair and restore your heart with a strong wall that will protect you in the future from falling head-long into sin and the worship of other idols.  Whitewashing or trying to plaster over your damaged heart will never mend it.  Only God can do that through you, the surrendered you.  (See Ezekiel 13: 5, 10-14).  It is time to begin to consider the members of your body as dead to all forms of sin, for that is idolatry.  (See Colossians 3:5).

Be very encouraged.   God is not through with you yet, if you are willing to walk on!"

Take time to read these questions, but then be sure to examine your true answers to them.  This kind of introspection can lead to heart change, if you will hand God the real truth in humility.
  1. What are the gods and sin of your heart that are hidden in its creases?  Let God reveal them to you.
  2. Contemplate the ways in which you have trusted in them instead of God.  How have you used them to 'get you through the rough places of your life instead of relying on God and praying through your need?
  3. How have you rationalized that these have been helpful to you?
  4. Christ-likeness will be the result of the process of sanctification, removing the gods and sin, bit by bit, from your heart where He resides in the form of the Holy Spirit.  Prayer over these issues. and surrendering them to God,  is the power for the victory over them.  How important is it to you to pray every day over your sin- and god-filled heart? 
  5. Prayer is the beginning of surrender, and surrender leads to the spiritual healing of your broken heart.  What are you willing to do to see that goal realized?
(Excerpt for Chapter 6 of Spiritual Healing:  The Surrender That Brings Victory)

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