"Think back now to the Tabernacle we studied a few chapters back. Do you remember the courts and their purposes? If you have been hanging around in the Outer Court, comfortable enough in your salvation and baptism, yet oblivious to the victory over sin that God is calling you to, it is time for you to take a step into the Inner Court of obedience. Are you already in the Inner court, enjoying the Holy Spirit's company and the Word of God, but still living in cyclical sin? Then it's time for you to put shoe leather on the soles of your spiritual walking shoes! It's time to take some serious vengeance on your sin! Are you willing now for your heart to be laid bare before you and the Lord, so that the idols and sin can be removed? If you are not willing, you will not be able to grow any closer to God than you currently are. Are you satisfied with that, and satisfied with living your 'small g' god-driven life?
God sent Israel to war! This will be no less a battle for us, and it will likely last for our entire life. Will God find you obedient to this call, or will you take the easiest, most flesh-pleasing way out? The first will lead yo to victory and intimacy with God; the other will eventually defeat you and keep you from drawing near to God. The choice, ultimately, is yours. Choose wisely. Choose to take full vengeance on your sin. The alternative is only foolishness, and ultimately it reveals your complacency. Consider these wise words that speak of this kind of complacency in your Christian walk.
Complacency is a blight that saps energy, dulls attitudes, and cases a drain on the brain. The first symptom is satisfaction with things as they are. The second is rejection of thins as the might be. 'Good enough' becomes today's watchword and tomorrow's standard. Complacency makes people fear the unknown, mistrust the untried, and abhor the new. Like water, complacent people follow the easiest course--downhill. They draw false strength from looking back."
What path have you chosen? Do you need to change your course?
Your spiritual journey is made up of countless choices between your flesh and the Spirit who dwells inside of you. The valley of decision is often a bloody battlefield. But the Spirit CAN win each battle if you are surrendered to Him.
(Quoted from Chapter 7, "Taking Full Vengeance" from Spiritual Healing: The Surrender That Brings Victory by Cheryl Gnagey)