Cheryl Gnagey - Author, Speaker, Spiritual Coach

Cheryl Gnagey - Author, Speaker, Spiritual Coach

Monday, February 6, 2012

The Sovereign Purposes of Affliction--Exodus 1

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Does it seem that I am far from you when you walk through the dry and parched desert of affliction?  The truth is, I am right there.  I was there for Israel, and I am there for you, too.  When life makes the least sense to you, you can be sure that I am at work, both in your circumstances and in you.

I sent Israel to the land of Egypt, during the time of the great 7 year famine over the entire land.  Joseph was already there, set in a position of power and authority, and he kept the clan of Israel alive so that the line of Messiah might be spared.  But Joseph didn't come to be in Egypt by pleasant circumstances.  He was afflicted by his own brothers, and then sold into slavery. That is what brought him there.  But never lose sight of the fact that I allowed the events.  Why?  Because My purposes would be brought to fruition in just this way.  Joseph grew up in Me as he walked out these heart-wrenching days of despair and anguish.

After his death, the ever-growing and strengthening nation of Israel had worn out the favor of the Pharaoh.  Fear and dread caused Pharaoh to put the Israelites to hard physical labor, not because they had done anything wrong; he did it simply because of his own pride.  Israel, My shepherds-by-trade were forced to become common laborers who would build the cities and memorials in a country that was not their own.  But no matter how difficult Pharaoh made it for My chosen people, no matter how harsh their affliction became, the plan of man would never, could never, overcome My great plan for a nation and the seed that would lead to My own Son.

For hundreds of years, My children toiled in impossible circumstances under the weight of terrible affliction.  But in that very affliction, I caused them to multiply immensely.  I kept them safe from intermarriage in Egypt that would have polluted the bloodline of Christ.  I held them safe and secure in My hand the entire time, preparing them for what would come next in My plan.  In their affliction they became the nation of Israel.  THAT was My goal.

How are you viewing the affliction, test, or trial I am allowing in your life right now?  Do not be discouraged in your desert, for I am the Conductor of this symphony in your life.  While it may sound loud and dissonant, with clanging cymbals and staccato and shrill notes, understand that I write the music.  Surrender to My will, and I assure you, the melody will become more pleasant to your ears.  Your posture in the desert should be the same as in the fruitful plains--kneeling in My presence.  It is there that you will see My face.

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