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The Full Armor of God |
If you are a believer, you are engaged in a vicious battle. I bet you didn't need me to tell you that! As Christians we know that there is a battle raging in the heavenlies over our souls. God has us; Satan wants us. We have been schooled in this topic; we know that we are often attacked in the area of temptation. But there is just one problem that I can see, in my life as well as in the lives of the believers I know. We do not often WIN the battle at hand. What is it that keeps us from winning? Simple. We are not wearing the proper attire for battle! All to often we find ourselves in the midst of an all out attack, and our armor is still hanging neatly in our closet! Or maybe this sound more like you. . .You always have your helmet of salvation on, but the rest of your armor has gone missing. You are not even sure where you left your sword!
Today while I was reading in I Chronicles 12, I came across a description of David's military force. Think again of the picture in your mind of you, as a warrior against the enemies of God, inappropriately lacking pieces of your armor. Now consider David's army as described in the Word:
- Mighty men of valor
- Men trained for war
- Men who could handle both shield and spear
- Men whose faces were like that of a lion
- Men who were swift in action
As I considered how often I go out each morning to battle, with my helmet of salvation tightly strapped on to my head and the Word of God, my sword, in my hand ready to fight if necessary. Yet, I lack the rest of my armor. Realizing this, I began to understand just why it is that I am prone to lose my battles with temptation. You see, I know I am saved; but I set out each morning, knowing the enemy desires to do battle with me, leaving behind the rest of my armor except for the study I have done that morning. Though having my helmet on and my sword in my hand, it is not sufficient armor to win. On these days, dressed inappropriately for battle, I cannot win.
In my case I must go to that closet, take out and put on the pieces I so often leave behind. There is the breastplate of righteousness, that covers and protects my heart, and the belt of truth that helps me discern the lies that the enemy tells me. Going barefoot is of no military help when I leave my shoes of the gospel of peace on the floor of my closet. Those shoes are a reminder that God and I are on peaceful terms now because of the shed blood of His Son on my behalf. And what good is a soldier without his shield of faith? One cannot walk in both fear and faith at the same time. It is one or the other. Without faith in full bloom, the enemy will terrorize us fear, shooting us with one fiery dart after another. With no faith in place, no truth in place, no righteousness in place, no peace with God in place, our relationship with God and His word will not prevent us from being hit over and over again by an enemy seeking to destroy us.
We must learn that it is vitally important to our walk with God that we be Mighty Children of Valor -- trained to fight, able to use our shield of faith and sword of the Spirit together, with a face of strength, being willing to act quickly against every temptation of our enemy.
This was the description of David's mighty men. Is it a description of you? If not, you need to go to your closet and drag out that dusty armor, and put it on! Don't leave home without it!
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