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If God is never-changing, then there is always something to be learned from what He told His chosen people, Israel. Before they entered the Promised Land He reminds them (again) to look within, correct what is wrong, stay on the right path, and teach their children this way of life. Deuteronomy 4 could be a textbook for believers today! We must learn to live by its precepts and lead others by the instruction found there. In this, there is no hypocrisy.
Christians today have had the blessing of the written Word of God in every conceivable form. If our Bibles are to big to carry to church, we can just bring our phones. If our Bibles are at home, and we are at work, we can look up anything, in any version, on our computers. We have books galore to teach us more, speakers and seminars to help us grow. The Word is out there in abundance, so we have no excuse for not knowing what God has to say to us!
But knowing isn't doing! We can know, yet never do. This is foolishness! But if we know, and then obey, this is wisdom! However, obedience rarely, if ever occurs, without taking a close inventory of what is really hidden inside our hearts. If we do not see the wickedness there, if we never look at our sinful attitudes and the sinful actions that follow as just will be unlikely that we will just begin to be obedient. When was the last time you took close spiritual inventory of your sin-stained heart? Are you aware of what hides deep in the crevices? Or are you perfectly content being blind to what makes God jealous for all of your heart? God says, "Give heed to yourself." Look in, see what's there, take what you see into account when you assess your walk!
Once you have seen what lurks in your heart, drawing you away from God, you must determine to take charge of your soul with diligence. But remember, you cannot "take charge" by self-works. To see true heart transformation, you "take charge" by letting go! Surrender! You cannot change your heart, but the Holy Spirit can! Daily praying a surrender prayer regarding those sins in your life releases your control (and inability to change) into the hands of the One God sent to do just that--change you and mold you into the image of the Son!
As you begin to notice those changes being done in you, but not by you, continue to walk in those new ways and attitudes. This is "walking in the Spirit," for it is Him doing the walking as you daily yield yourself to His power and control. Then as you see your life changing, share that with others. You are a teacher to all who are watching you, your natural children or your spiritual children. Steer clear of the hypocritical walk that demands of them what you yourself refuse to bend to. Be the example that can be followed!
You have a God that is so near to you that He is inside of you--the Holy Spirit! You have a God that has given you His very words to obey. In these, you have everything you need for life and godliness! We really have no excuse, then, do we? What is your choice? Will you know but not do? Or will you be wise and "know and obey"? (Deuteronomy 4: 5-9)
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